
                             I am the world’s expert on souls

Welcome to I Check Your Soul, the website that specializes in spiritual facts and provides Soul Reports and other Spiritual Services. I’m Gary Peter Carlson the sole administrator and writer, and the inventor of the Soul Score and the Karma Footprint. I am a one man

show. No one else seems to know what I know about souls. I have a really good constant contact with 5th through 9th density beings (Guides), and my guardian angel, by the use of a pendulum, I am a dowser. All the facts,

(some I learn elsewhere), presented here are got from, and / or verified that way. I have mastered dowsing in my own way and have formed relationships with higher positive entities.

My professional gambling skills (30+ years) of reading others’ feelings, calculating, and intuition, have helped me immensely in getting many spiritual facts about our reality and evaluating them. I cannot do everything with the pendulum that others do, and they may not be able to do what I do. There are many different dowsing skills. I am good at

using it to check souls, finding out how the universe works, and other related activities. I cannot use dowsing to spell things out or predict the future as I have tried. I am not allowed to use it to find lost things, but there are other things I’m told I can do like locating water or other things in the ground. I haven’t tried or needed to do these things.

All information I post about public people is what I get dowsing and I have no proof if it is true. Some people have Reptilian souls, I believe their Aura can be checked to see if it is different than Humans.

I am ready to be interviewed again anytime, and I have new information coming in all the time, so please feel free to give me a call (number is at the bottom) or send me an email.


                    I do Spirituality without Religion

                     The people ruling us are not Human                                   They have Human Bodies, but they don’t have Human Souls                                                   as soon as everyone knows                                                             It will be easier to get them out of power                                                                            So spread the word

To understand the above a lot better, click Illuminati on the menu at the top and read that page in less than 5 minutes!

I’ve added Tara Bonds to this website. She is very talented, and all her pages start with Tara in the title. Try her homepage and see what she has to offer. She is honest and low priced like me. Nigel Worsley (has died) with the Devil’s Playground page is also on this website. Or maybe continue down to soul reports. 

BitChute Channel https://www.bitchute.com/channel/Mpe3sIKKNkcm/ it has some of my videos.

Rumble channel I Check Your Soul (rumble.com) I started it in May 2023

These are my last 4 videos. To see all my videos and or Audios, click My Videos on the menu at the top of the page.

My 91st video on April 12, 2024 is 1:28:47 Kelly H Consultation on https://icheckyoursoul.com/ (rumble.com)

My 92nd video: Tribunal Meeting April 14, 2024: Natural and Common Law Tribunal for Public Health and Justice is 2:33:33 long Tribunal Meeting April 14, 2024: Natural and Common Law Tribunal for Public Health and Justice (rumble.com)

My 93rd video on April 18, 2024, is 32:24 long Can we save Humanity (rumble.com)

My 94th video on July 9, 2024, is 52:25 long   What’s going on with Ukraine, Russia, Putin & Trump (youtube.com)

                                           loveands2o@hotmail.com           is Gary’s email address.

I am ready to be interviewed again anytime, and I have new information coming in all the time, so please feel free to give me a call (number is at the bottom) or send me an email.

Your soul lives forever, your body is temporary, so your soul is the real you. Pledge that you want to do good for your soul, like giving love and service to others as it helps your soul and when you do bad, your soul is responsible and must pay for it later. Your mind

is a partial copy of your soul with the same characteristics, but grows separately. Your soul guides your mind, but your mind is in control. As you move up through the higher realms, the mind communicates with the soul more and more.


There are 2 kinds of spiritual ascension, Planetary ascension, and Individual ascension. Planetary ascension is when a solar system goes from Realm 1 (3rd density, which has 3rd & 4th dimensions) to Realm 2 (4th density, which has 5th through 10th dimensions), so a solar system goes from the 4th to the 5th dimension. A solar system must have a

soul group(s) that have empathy and completed the 3rd cycle (cycle = 25,920 years in our solar system. For our galaxy group rules see my ‘God, Matter and Life’ page {great year}) and has a population of 2 billion. To go, the people in our solar system must be at least 20% Love and Service to Others, versus Service to Self, Controlling and or Manipulating

Others, or a 20 or higher soul score (a little less with great karma and a little more with bad karma) and a soul that has empathy for others. Those that are less than 20% or don’t qualify, are teleported to a nearby 3rd Density planet expecting them, where they will live their lives out (without having children, men

& women separated) and reincarnate in our solar system. Our solar system is supposed to make Planetary Ascension between 2020 and 2031, or within 10 years. Those people, and living things, in our solar system with low souls that don’t have empathy for others, can’t go. (See God, Matter and Life page for what & who on a DNA chart).

Individual ascension is a soul in 3rd or 4th density going to 5th density. The soul must have completed at least 1 cycle of 3rd or 4th density and be polarized positive (over 50%) or negative (5% or under), and if they have a body, the body goes too. The cycle in our

solar system is ending somewhere between 2025 and 2029, and an ascension window will open. Otherwise, a soul can make ascension out of cycle with extra help from God. If a soul in 3rd or 4th density reaches 1.82 cycles, they automatically are sent to the 5th density.

                                            Home of the soul Report

 I am behind with emails, but caught up with soul reports, so you would get your soul report right away or within a couple of days. Sometimes I get behind in soul reports after a new video, when many people order one at once.

Soul reports now require a $200 donation (or more), additional ones same person paying are $150. However, if you have got a soul report in the past on record which starts in November 2014, it helps a lot to know the date of it and email address helps some too,

you can get a new and improved soul report for 75% off. I no longer do free updates. I am constantly adding things and improving my connection with the high density. So if you got a soul report in the past get a new one for 75% off, which is $50 now in July 2023.

Price includes Karma Report and phone/Skype consultation.
When you pay for a soul report, if you do not provide an email address, or name I can only use the one you provided PayPal with, so be sure to give me the email address you wish to receive your soul report at. Always send me an email at exactly the same time as

the PayPal, and state that you have paid for a soul report, and I’ll reply to your email with your soul report. Then I get your email address (and name if the PayPal has a business name, and state all this on your email). This way, (as sometimes PayPal fails to send me

If you pay by Zelle use guac77@hotmail.com as my address at Comerica Bank

an email), I can check my PayPal account to see if you have paid when I don’t get a PayPal email. I’m sorry for this goofy system, but I’m
a one man show, and not that good with a PC, but I will help a lot in other ways, I promise.

After paying for a soul report or other services in your email please include the following


Email Address

Your Location


Race/Ethnic group


All this helps me do better and I only have to have the top 2. There are category 1 & 2 souls and only category 1 gets a soul report so far. So, if you say you’re Middle Eastern, Black or Pacific Islander I have to check your soul’s category and probably tell you that you don’t have a Black, Middle Eastern or Pacific Islander soul, which are category 2.

  Just click the donate button (or use your PayPal account and send to family & friends and put my email address in or click the special instructions button & tell me what you want).
Click on the button on the right side to donate or send a check and include an email

address to my address at the bottom of this page. I only need your name and email address as the spirits
follow the energy of your email or PayPal to locate your soul. One may donate $150 or more for each extra person that wants a soul report (to the same

email address). I’ll also answer all follow up questions during the free consultation
. If you live in a poor country and can’t afford the $200, send me an email and explain where you are.
Tell me your problem and I’ll see what I can do. If you send just the money without your name or email address, I’ll try to figure something out, but it can be hard.

Sometimes I can’t and PayPal doesn’t always post the email address you gave them, and never a name if the PayPal is in a business name. I had to call them.
and wait on hold only once so far. So always include your name & email address, – and yes, I should have an order form (sorry), when I catch up, I’ll try to

figure that out. I’m not super good with a PC and because of my head injury 16 years ago, I have a lot of trouble learning new things, so make it easy for me if you can, and get the good karma that goes with it.

                                            Refund policy

     I offer a full money back guarantee 9 days, within reason. If you order a second report, you cannot get a refund on the first report, (but you could on the second report) and if you complete the consultation, you cannot get a refund later by claiming I said

something you didn’t like. When you get the soul report, look it over for a while and decide then, if you want a refund. If you go a lot further with my time and energy (consultations, emails & texting), I may or may not decide to give you a refund, if you ask for one. 

     I will go a lot further trying to help you with whatever problem you may have and I have helped many people a lot, with free additional consultations and using the pendulum to correct their problems, like chasing away demons that were bothering them.     

     You are donating for a soul report and a consultation answering your questions and explaining what I’ve learned about the soul and spirituality. Fixing or explaining your problems is extra and I do it for free within reason (after you get a soul report). If I can’t fix your problem to your satisfaction, you do not deserve a refund, but I will try and maybe tell you what you need to do. 

     I do get mistakes mostly on minor stuff and I will be honest about them and go out of my way to fix them, by asking about it over & over. The spirits do not like to be tested, if you are trying to test them, they will fail on purpose as that is not the purpose of my work to pass tests. You don’t get a refund, because I failed a test. 

     If I ask for information at 2 or more different times, different spirits may answer differently and I will try my best to figure it out. The spirits answering the pendulum may be just like us, but at a higher level, that we will get to in the future, so they may lie or have fun with us at times. When you donate for a soul report, you are accepting information that can’t be proven and can be wrong. 

     My purpose is to help people, not to make money. I have to charge or too many people will want my help as it was in the beginning when I did it for free, from 2012 to 2014. I do deserve to be compensated for my time and energy. Most others charge $250 to $500 with no refunds for other spiritual services, I believe, and many others agree my prices are low and I help some broke people for free. I often do much more than just the soul report, if you need it.

     I have looked around the internet to check out other people or websites, that offer spiritual services, almost all (over 90%) charge more than I and I haven’t seen anyone who offers refunds, nor have I seen anyone or website that offers a mini service worth anything for free, like my free mini soul reading, that has a lot of value!

                                                Free service

     If you can’t or don’t want to pay, you can get a free mini soul reading. You get soul score, status and total karma only. Only 1 free reading per email absolutely no lists, forget about it and pay if you want more or too much of my time would be taken up on this. A lot of the world wants everything free, go see the people with Reptilian souls, you can get a free vaccine, but don’t do it.

     I get that about 50% of spiritual websites are a scam, many are run by people with Reptilian souls. I offer a free service to rate other spiritual websites. If you are considering donating or getting involved with a spiritual website but are unsure about it.

Call or send me an email with its address and I’ll take a reading on it. None of them compete with me, so I won’t automatically say they are bad, just use mine, I’m not that way, I’m the only one doing soul reports. Don’t send me any lists (1 per email), if you want to talk about websites call me.

                            The Soul Report Now Comes with a Karma Report.

Get your total karma and weekly karma all explained. Improve your karma footprint and go from a tough, hellish life, to an easy, fun life. I’ve been guided to invent a numerical system for karma. It’s obviously not exactly correct, but it does give you an idea of how

you are doing on karma. It is definitely a huge help in pointing out about where you are at with karma. A Wanderer must discharge their karma before their life is over and I’ve learned so much on karma, hearing about what they have gone through.

Some arrogant people that think I don’t know anything say I have karma all wrong. So I ask them, then how does it work? Then they say something like you’re doing it OK for your audience, what a BS answer. They don’t have anything better on it than I, they only want to say I’m wrong. I learn things from any source and ask my guides if it is right.

In a soul report you’ll get your soul score; how much time in 3rd density you have left, if you are qualified for ascension, or if you are a Wanderer or Starseed.
You’ll get to know how long your soul has been on Earth in cycles (cycle= 25,920 years);

you get to know how many times your over-soul has incarnated on
Earth, and how many of the spiritual lessons your soul has completed. If your soul has more lessons to complete, I’ll tell you which one(s). I’ll also tell you about how much bad & good karma you have. Bad karma is 1.5 times more important than good karma.

If you are a Wanderer, I’ll tell you how much time in cycles is left on the .97 or 1.42 cycle contract you made with God (Source), and the amount of past and future lives. I’ll tell you how far away in light years the planet you come from is. I’ll tell you what kind of soul you have (Mammal, Bird or Vegetable {only for Wanderers, everyone else has a Mammal

soul}). On a scale of 1 to 4 in halves, I’ll tell you what your God given skill level is – your ability to help humanity with spirituality. You get the percentage of your soul in your body, usually 20% to 62%. It’s lower for Wanderers, since they come from a higher density. 3rd & 4th density comes in 2 parts, 5th density comes in 3 parts & 6th density 4

parts, 5th & 6th density is Wanderers and a Wanderer’s soul is in 2 or 3 bodies at the same time. I added more stuff too. I’ll also tell you the color or level of your soul. Percentage & colors is new on 2022/1/13. These are the levels I’m given; your soul can be in between levels.

 1. White
 2. Gray
 3. Red
 4. Orange                                                                                                                                                       5. Yellow
 6. Olive
 7. Green
 8. Blue
 9. Indigo
 10. Purple

I’ll answer all follow up questions on anything spiritual. A lot of helpful background information comes in the report. A free consultation comes with every soul report and usually lasts for an hour. So, if you want to talk with me, just get a soul report and you can record the talk and make a video, I’ll put it on my site.

Can’t afford or don’t want to pay for a Soul Report? Get a free Mini Soul Reading (only for yourself). You get your soul score, Status within cycle of 3rd density and percentage done {closes 5%}, qualified for ascension, Starseed, Wanderer or low soul), total bad karma and total good karma (karma is in my

numerical system), (go to ‘God, Matter and Life’ page and look for the karma section near the bottom to learn more). Just send me an email with your Name asking for a Mini Soul Reading. Sorry only 1 per email (only yourself), absolutely no lists On Mini Soul Readings.

Soul Score: 51 or higher is polarized positive, 58 is about the highest, seems to be a wall at 58, but a few make 58. If one is still in cycle of 3rd density 43 to 50 or higher is good or average. 35 to 42 is borderline to be friends with, so below 35 be very careful. 2 to 5 is polarized negative, 18 or lower is the evil section. Soul score chart is at the bottom of my Spiritual Truth page.

Status: Percentage done with cycle of 3rd density 5% to 95%, if one is a very young soul 15% done or less, one usually has lower soul score & may have bad karma, 20% to 95% are average people. Qualified for ascension, Starseed 2.5 to 4, over 90% are Starseed-3. Wanderer 1, 1.5, 2, 2.5, 3, 3.5 and 4, about 75% are Wanderer-2 and just help the people around them, if one is in a known

project or powerful website, one is usually a Wanderer 2.5 or higher. If one is evil or negative, one would have a low soul (usually Reptilian soul), don’t have empathy for others. One would usually have a Reptilian soul, although there are people with Insect souls & Spider Souls. Michael Jackson and his family have Grey souls (Insect). These low

souls are only 5% or 10% done with their cycle of 3rd density, these people come from the 3rd dimension, we are in the 4th dimension. The 4th dimension is a component of consciousness.

Bad Karma: About 90% of people have hardly any bad karma, which is 49 or less on my numeric system. A little bit bad & a fair amount of bad karma or more is bad, 1x (100 to 199) or higher is terrible. Most low souls (Reptilians) have a lot of bad karma in the 20s is the highest. The Human with the most bad karma is President Dwight D Eisenhower (28x)

He starved to death over 1 million German prisoners after the war was over and plenty of food was available, he turned away many food deliveries. He had POW changed to DEF (disarmed enemy forces), so he didn’t have to release the prisoners. The Illuminati rewarded him, by making him president.

Good Karma:  Below 30X is terrible, 30x & 31x is poor, 32x & 33x is OK, 34x is good. So 35x & 36x is high, 37x is the highest and about 100 people have got it. Good & bad karma is accumulated from past lives.

One reading can be different from another one, since a different high-density person may be doing the reading. I get readings for karma, how it is discharged is a whole nether story. None of this is an exact science, just helpful tool in telling you about where you are at spiritually, giving you a proper mindset.

Here is another way to donate with PayPal – just click it.


                                Past Lives

I can also find out about your past lives. You must tell me if you are a Male or Female, as some names can be both and some names I’m unfamiliar with.
A soul gets it’s preferred gender 93% of the time, and it helps to have some information for the pendulum to work well. You also need to tell me where you are living now and

what race you are. I need a little help in order to know if I’m getting the right answers, as one doesn’t usually change races. I can find out when you lived, where you lived (area), what you did, how you died, how many children you had, how spiritual you were and

more. For me to get this it’s difficult and time consuming, so I ask you to donate $140 for your last (previous) life, or $225 for the last 2. I had to increase the prices for past lives, because it’s hard and takes so long – sometimes about 3 hours for 2 past lives.

I’m sorry but if the price is too high, don’t get them. After getting your information you will be able to ask yes/no or numerical answered questions, or other simple questions.
Here is what you get – about 1 paragraph on each life. If you are a Starseed, I can’t get where and when you lived correctly, just that you lived on your

planet and roughly how long ago. I would get some information about your planet (not the name) and body if you ask. I don’t highly recommend getting this, but people want it so bad I offer it. When you lived – Gender – Married – Children – Where you lived – What you did – Soul score How you died – Highlight of your life. I just answer these 7 questions.

Do you have an important life changing decision to make and want help from your Guardian Angel and Spirit Guides? I can help. I’ll put some time into asking all about it in different ways, and find out how it is likely to pan out. I only ask for a $20 donation, $10 with Soul Report or free with 2 or more Soul Reports within one year.

                                                 New Services

          House clearing is $225 and comes with a soul report or $125 without a soul report.         $25 to remove Curses, Spells & Etheric Implants or included every soul report.  Exorcism is $200 and includes a soul report. Everything has a money back guarantee. $20 for life changing question or included with soul report.

Do you know what happens if you don’t pay your Exorcist? You get repossessed!

 I can remove all Spells & Curses and Etheric Implants. Spells, Curses & Etheric Implants are carried out by Demons. I have higher density people that will remove the Curse, Spell or Etheric Implants and inform the Demons that the Curse or Spell has been removed and to stop. If they won’t stop, they have other methods to convince the Demon(s) to stop. Sometimes it takes more than 1 session to complete the job.

If your home is infested with evil spirits, contact me. I can get rid of them right away. Other people charge about $400 for this and must show up, burn stuff, chant, and I can do just as good usually right away from here, sometimes I need an extra day. If your body

is bothered by a load of demons, I can help, but this is a hard case, so I have to charge $300, and it may take a long time. I do have a money back guarantee on this and everything I do, 9 days, but I’ll continue to help you after the guarantee is up.

Phone number is at the bottom of this page or email me.  I cannot protect against DEW weapons, like I thought.
Keep in mind I have low prices. Most others offering spiritual services ask for $250 to $500, or even more with no guarantee, I can do what many of them do, and I offer a 9-day

money back guarantee. If you have any kind of spiritual problem, try or talk with me first. I won’t cheat you; I’ll give you your money back if I can’t help, but I can help on a lot more things than you may think. I will likely know about your problem and can at least give you some direction for free, so you’ll have a better understanding about what is going on.

                                     LOVEandS2O@hotmail.com      is Gary’s email address

This website has 3 main purposes 1. To teach spiritual facts or God’s rules. 2. To end the negative control of Humanity. 3. To help you raise your spirituality.

God sends Wanderers to Earth to help teach spirituality.      

A Wanderer is a soul that has gone through this 3rd or 4th density (that you and I are in) thousands of years ago, then made ascension to 5th density, went through that and then ascended to 6th density. When the person reaches 1/4 of a cycle through the 6th density or, 3/4 of a cycle through 5th density, they can make a contract with God (if qualified) to

help a soul group on a planet with spirituality for about 0.97 cycles or 25,239 years, if you come out of 6th density, and 1.42 cycles (35,784 years) if you come out of 5th density. Then going back to 3rd density. I was sent to Earth this life, and there are a little over 75 million of us here. We all have a 5-planet rotation. We have different spiritual skills, and we look the same as everyone else, but

we have a more highly evolved soul. Most of us do not know that we are Wanderers, but we have in common a burning desire to raise the spirituality of those around us. Some of my skills is to use the pendulum to get answers to spiritual questions, find out spiritual facts and of course read or check souls. We all go through many lifetimes while we are on

many planets but there is a veil that blocks us from remembering our past lives or one could say our mind is created at birth and starts out empty. The same is true for Wanderers. I am in my 142nd life. To qualify to be a Wanderer one must be spiritually in the top 9 in 1,000

in 6th density, or in the top 8 in 10,000 in 5th density. When our Wanderer contract is finished, we go to 7th density with 1 of 2 cycle completed. Wanderers rotate incarnating on usually 5 planets, never the same planet twice in a row.

The Journey back to the Creator

Every soul is on a journey back to Creator. All of us will get there, but the journey can be easy and pleasant, or hard and unpleasant, depending on what we do. 

The main thing God wants from us is “Love, and Service to Others”, rather than “Service to Self, Controlling and or Manipulating Others.”

God does not want to be worshipped. God made your oversoul and has asked it if wants to be responsible for matter. It said yes and you were given a soul with empathy for others. If you had said no, you would have been given a low soul (which does not have empathy for others), been responsible for empty space and would not be here. You have

done 3 cycles (cycle = 25,920 years) of 1st density keeping matter made, with 2 higher souls helping you out in case you slacked off. Then God advanced your soul to 2nd density, your soul incarnated in a plant or animal life for 3 cycles. The choices for   souls are vegetables, flowers, trees, grasses, birds, mammals, fish/major sea life and an

unknown animal group that doesn’t exist on Earth, plus the good microbes. Low souls (what I choose to call them) become the rest. The main difference is that they don’t have empathy for others (chart on my God, Matter & Life page). When you finished your 3 cycles of 2nd density, on to 3rd density, your soul went where you are now, and 3rd

density lasts for 1 to 1.82 cycles and is in the 3rd or 4th dimension. We are in the 4th dimension. The 4th dimension is a component of consciousness. There is a window for ascension at the end of each cycle, this window is opening soon, (2025 to 2029), and is likely on an equinox. In 3rd density we don’t get to know when ascension is. If one is

qualified for ascension, one ascends to the 5th density (12th dimension {for Earth} in the 3rd realm) while living, or if one is dead, one ascends from the soul plane, when the ascension window opens. One can ascend out of cycle, but it’s harder and requires extra help from God. All of Humanity may go to the 4th density (5th dimension in the 2nd

realm), but this is only planetary ascension, and everyone would finish off their cycle and ascend to the 5th density if polarized. This is usually done to elevate the people to a better life and be free from invading low soul groups. 4th density is set up to where everyone is more spiritual, and life is better and easier.

We all have what I call a soul score; It is your percentage of Love & Service to Others versus Service to Self, Controlling & or Manipulating Others. Soul scores for people range from 2 to 69, the average score is 44 and less than 2% of everyone is above 54. I give your soul score, and much more, in a $200 soul report. So, if your score is over 50, (and it needs to be to make individual ascension), you’re doing well.

We all have what I call a Karma Footprint and it is the amount of bad and good Karma   one gets in an average week. One must discharge the all the bad karma (unless one gets a huge amount in a single event, by getting problems, crap to deal with and things not going your way). One also discharges most of the good karma by getting good things going your way and saves some of the good Karma to spend on picking your next life.  Your Karma Footprint is a big function in your quality of life and can be changed in as little as one week. One gets the details of their Karma Footprint in a Soul Report ($200)

Humanity is finishing the 3rd cycle and the window will open soon. I thought it opened May 15, 2010, and the window would close August 4, 2017 (sort of called end times), but I now believe we are not allowed to know in 3rd density. I am told it will open in 2025 to 2029 on an equinox. It opens when the age of Pisces ends, and the age of Aquarius starts.

To find out where you are at in 3rd density, send me $200 and I’ll send you back your soul report. Send me an email about anything to the address below. So far, I have answered every email that requires an answer, if you don’t get answered, something went wrong (I didn’t get it), please send it again from another email address (shit happens), give me 15

days max. In your email, please include what country you are in, and sending it from, and your age. It’s fun for me to hear of all the spiritual places. My rank as a Wanderer is in the top 1%. There are lots of other Wanderers on the internet doing better work than me, just take a look at my Wanderer page. However, I can identify who is a Wanderer and

who isn’t, so send me any name and a little more info, or a website, and I’ll tell you about their soul (Mini soul reading). Anyone who is any good on the internet is usually either a  Wanderer, or qualified for ascension or Starseed, and I’ll give you their soul score.


To qualify for ascension, one might also complete 15 spiritual lessons. To find out what they are just click that page on the menu at the top. God has special rules for the pendulum that I don’t clearly understand. The pendulum works with faith and can’t be tested or proven in the physical, so I’m told. So, if you ask for your soul report and get it,

then use a different email address and use your other name and ask again, the 2nd report might be a lie or close to the same and you could say I’m a fraud, but that’s just the spiritual rules, and although I try to be careful, I can sometimes get a negative entity and get misinformation too. The pendulum is not allowed to be tested, and the spirits

will purposely fail almost all tests. That’s just their spiritual rules that I don’t like. All spiritual information from all sources needs to be taken on faith. That is the rule that I don’t like. I constantly pray to God to be able to get proof of things, but so far, I can’t.

I do accept donations. Just click the donate button on the right. I also answer all spiritual questions for free. I’m not a psychic or fortune teller, so please don’t send me service to self-questions, like should I move to California, or should I take this other job, unless you want to donate $20 for the life changing or tough decision to make.

The starting point for me and my spiritual facts is the “Law of One”. Links for this channeled information are at the bottom of the page. I have learned a little bit from many sources and verified and expanded on them by using the pendulum. Click the  menu at the top to read my other pages in order to see what I’ve found out with the

pendulum. To increase your spirituality or raise your soul score, simply put out more  Love and Service to Others. Every little thing counts. For instance, don’t waste water,  shut it off while you’re brushing your teeth and turn it back on when you’re done to clean your brush.  Someone had to work to get that clean water to you, if you waste it, more

work needs to be done. If you’re driving and come to the red light and plan on going straight but you  can see the driver behind you wants to turn right, move a little left so he can go past you on the right and turn after stopping, instead of waiting for the light to change and you getting out of the way. If you’re in the line at the store with many people

waiting, when it’s your turn have your money ready (correct change, maybe) and the bar codes turned up so those behind you don’t have to wait as long. You get the idea, help others when you can, think of them, make their life easier, even try to make their life more fun. When they see you do it, they’re likely to also do the same, so it’s better for everyone.

* Law of One To read all 5 books or search topics go to: http://www.llresearch.org/library/the_law_of_one_pdf/the_law_of_one_pdf.aspx

also read: http://www.bring4th.org/

Wanderer Handbook: http://www.llresearch.org/library/a_wanderers_handbook_pdf/a_wanderers_handbook_pdf.aspx

To see a condensed version, and more information on it go to:


To read a single book, The Law of One Study Guide, Click free books


Contact Gary Peter Carlson, I am a white male, 70 years old. Most of my adult life I have been a pro gambler in mostly poker, sports or 21 (blackjack), or a casino worker.   loveands2o@hotmail.com

I was born July 21, 1954, at 5:55 PM in Chicago Illinois, USA in case anyone wants to do Astrology.

My home address is 

Gary Carlson, 4907 Holly Ave. Long Beach, California, 90805   USA

Telephone is 562-606-2358-(landline), Call between 10 AM to 10 PM pacific time USA. I get few calls so call any reason, my phone does take messages & has caller ID, I do answer 100% if I’m in, but I’m out less than 1/3rd of the time so call again later or call 562-505-1517 (Cell) if you can’t wait. If I’m out shopping or doing something else maybe in a noisy area, I won’t be able to talk long.

I do get a ton of crap calls, so if I answer angry tell me right away, you’re calling about souls and I’ll be nice. I’m guac77 on Skype. There are 2 accounts by mistake, I’m wearing a purple shirt in the account I use, so if I have another color shirt on that is the wrong account, use the other account.

Emergency email = guac77@hotmail.com. Do not send anything to this account unless it is an emergency, the other account won’t work, (no exceptions) which means you cannot reach me by my other email address or phone, I can be a week behind in emails, but I always answer the phone if I’m home, which is most of the time.

If you haven’t heard back from me for 2 weeks. Try calling me first. I check this other account about once a week or so and don’t want website emails sent to it.

If you’re having trouble with my email address, make sure you are not typing

loveand s20 (zero) it is loveand s2o (oh) @hotmail.com as in service to others

So, my correct email address is loveands2o@hotmail.com    not  loveands20@hotmail.com

loveands20@hotmail.com  is wrong use loveands2o@hotmail.com

If you pay by Zelle use guac77@hotmail.com as my address at Comerica Bank

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