The Central God
There is a Central God, or source and it has 24 levels of power. The Central God manifests an etheric, aether, or ‘source field’ that I call the ‘God Consciousness’. It covers all universes and voids. Within the God Consciousness are 4 Prime Creators, levels 13 and 14. The 4 Prime Creators, with their 4 unique polarities, create Universes, which, upon completion, are returned to the Prime Creators and go through a 2 step process before being returned to the Central God, who replaces what came back with new creation material. The God Consciousness kind-of broadcasts programs of DNA and RNA. DNA has 18 branches; RNA only 1.
Keep in mind that making universes is only 1 of God’s departments. He could have Infinet departments, and most would be above our understanding in levels 15 through 24.
What the Central God wants of us is “Love and Service to Others” (positive) versus “Service to Self, Controlling and or Manipulating Others” (negative). Everything is one, or part of the Central God, and made by all 4 Prime Creators in levels 14 and below, we are in level 1.
Universes exist in 3 types, undecided, light, or dark; we live in an undecided Universe. They last about 22 billion years. All Universes start out as an undecided Universe, where dark forces try to take over the whole Universe, and light forces try to free everyone. If a Universe goes dark it is recycled ahead of time. Universes have 6 to 12 Creator Gods, depending on their size; our Universe has 7 because its size is 7.83. I’m told there are an almost unlimited number of Universes.
I asked again about the number of Universes. Get this, inside every particle in our universe is another universe and inside every particle of those universes is another universe, and on and on, but is does come to an end insofar as you get to a universe where there isn’t a universe inside each particle, and those universes are coming to an end as other universes are being made at the other end of it all. So if the number of universes was written in our size type, it would be about 77 light years long!!!!!
Our Universe
Our Universe is about 13.9 billion years old and is about 60% light. Our Universe could become a light or dark Universe before its completion, but will likely become a light one or remain undecided; it is very unlikely we will go dark. Our Universe has 7 Creation Gods, and therefore 7 realms. We are living in the 1st realm, and we will live in 5 to 7 realms eventually.
There are also 9 Densities; the first 3 Densities exist in our Realm, Realm 1-Red. The 4th Density is in Realm 2-Orange, (about 74% of souls {that have empathy for others} live in this density instead of 3rd density). Our solar system is expected to move to Realm 2, 4th density in the 5th dimension by 2031, unless the negative evil beings succeed in totally taking over Humanity.
Realm 3-Yellow, is the 5th density. This is the density we make ascension to (more on this later). Realm 4-Green, is the 6th Density, Realm 5-Blue, is the 7th Density, Realm 6-Indigo, is the 8th Density, and Realm 7-Violet is the 9th Density. The Source Field is what creates time, gravity and other phenomena, (read more about this from other Wanderers). The Creation Gods keep putting out souls and Over-souls until all the creation material is used up and comes back; then the Universe is over and returned to the Prime Creators, and then, after 2 steps, to God.
Here is the list of realms-densities-dimensions for our universe.
1st Realm 1st, 2nd & 3rd Densities, 3rd & 4th Dimensions. We are in the 4th dimension.
2nd Realm 4th Density 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th & 10th Dimensions
3rd Realm 5th Density 11th, 12th, 13th & 14th Dimensions
4th Realm 6th Density 15th, 16th, 17th & 18th Dimensions
5th Realm 7th Density 19th, 20th, 21st & 22nd Dimensions
6th Realm 8th Density 23rd, 24th & 25th Dimensions
7th Realm 9th density 26th, 27th & 28th Dimensions
Each planet can have all the realms, but sometimes one or more is missing, or empty. Earth has just put the 7th realm in, and will put the 2nd realm in when we have Planetary Ascension and lose the 1st realm.
The Cycle, or Great Year
First of all, our Sun orbits Sirius, which is listed at 8.6 light years away, once every 25,920 years, resulting in our solar system’s ‘Great Year’. Every solar system in the Milky Way, and the 6 smaller galaxies in and around it, is one governing group in the higher densities, and has its own Great Year that can be defined by astronomical observations. The shortest time of any Great Year in these 7 galaxies is 22,230 years, and the longest allowed is 28,120 years. So these are the rules for our Galaxy Group.
7 Signals And 5 Forces
I’m told the God Consciousness puts out 7 signals and more. They are DNA, AI, Time, Light, Sound, Emotions, and Consciousness. They are helpful in shaping our reality. More than one signal is often used together. The 5 Forces are Gravity, the Strong Force and the Weak Force in holding Matter together, Magnetism and Expansion.
1st Density
The Creation Gods make large Consciousnesses, called ‘oversouls’, which are made out of ‘Zoni’. Zoni, a term I was directed to create, is what the source field is made out of; it is not energy or matter, it is etheric in nature and is immortal. Those who say our souls are made out of energy are wrong, as energy can be changed or affected. However, nothing affects our Immortal souls, they are made from Zoni, which is the invisible aether everywhere in the universe.
There are 2 Aethers, the Sourcefield only in our universe and the God Consciousness surrounds all universes and voids. The Sourcefield generates 3 kinds of souls that start out as oversouls.
The Sourcefield’s oversouls contain 22 to 32 souls. Half of each of the 3 kinds of souls have empathy for others and half don’t. The 3 kinds are biological life like us (see the DNA chart further down this page), Angel & Demons, Angels have empathy for others, Demons don’t. The last kind does Akashic records if it has empathy for others and powers stars if it don’t, they change matter to energy, which causes the star to give out light & heat radiation. I’m told there is more to it, but it’s hard to get exact detailed information, with the pendulum, asking mostly yes/no questions and numerical answers.
The God Consciousness generates Exotic Life Forms that are all intelligent self-aware, like plasma beings & more. Like souls half have empathy for others.
In 1st Density, the simple oversoul is asked if it would like to be responsible for Matter. 1/2 of simple oversouls say yes to being responsible for matter and become an Oversoul with empathy for others. They will help keep matter made in 1st density, and are supported by 2 higher souls. 1/2 say no and become what I call a low oversoul, which is similar, but the main difference is that they do not have empathy for others, and are responsible for Space in 1st density. It is supported by 1 higher Low Soul in 2nd or 3rd density.
These Oversouls, or low Oversouls are decided depending on which decision the simple Oversoul made…to have a Soul and keep matter made, or to get a low soul keep space made. In 1st density the Soul, or low soul, divides 352 into 512 ways, depending on the size of the oversoul, or over low soul, to be responsible for matter or space. In 1st Density, there are 3 dimensions of Space. There are 3 cycles of 1st density. A cycle is 25,920 years, so that is 77,760 years.
2nd Density
The Oversoul, or low Oversoul divides 88 into 128 ways for 2nd density existence. Some of these low oversouls & oversouls contribute by keeping matter or space made. Most, however, create a variety of living organisms through mastery of DNA & RNA. Souls create 9 groups: Flowers, Trees, Vegetables, Grasses and Herbs, Birds, Mammals, and an unnamed animal group that doesn’t exist on Earth, as well as fish and major sea life, like shrimp & squid, plus the good microbes for digestion & decay. Low souls make the other 9 out of 18 branches of DNA. They are Reptiles, Insects, Spiders, Worms & Shellfish, Grains, Mushroom & Fungus, Weeds and an unnamed Plant group not found on Earth, plus the bad Microbes & Viruses. RNA is used in the creation of all 18 branches of DNA, and sometimes by itself. 2 branches of DNA make a variety of simple animals and plants (Microbes). The other 16 branches make either animals or plants. 2nd density has 3 dimensions of space. 2nd density lasts for 3 cycles. Each step, a soul or Low soul, becomes an increasingly more complex plant or animal. Souls that keep matter made would be a large part of a planet or star. A soul might be a river, lake or mountain, or a piece of a star.
3rd Density
The Oversoul, or low Oversouls, divides 22 into 32 ways in 3rd density, and become self-aware, living, intelligent beings like humans. Souls in 3rd density can become, (in class order), Vegetables, Birds or Mammal (like us). Just 3 out of a 1,000 or about .3% become Vegetable people, about 24.9% become Bird people, and 74.8% become Mammal people, like Humanity.
Low souls can become, (in class order), Reptile people, Insect people and Spider people. There are more Insect people than Reptilians, and the fewest are Spider people, but I’m not sure on the exact percentages. 1/2 of beings in 3rd density have souls. 1/2 have Low souls, which are similar and about equal in intelligence, more advanced spiritually in 3rd density, but don’t have empathy for others, among other important traits. 3rd density lasts 1 cycle, or a little longer until one makes ascension.
Since 75% of soul groups with empathy for others are in 4th density, that makes 3rd density a negative place. About 72% of 3rd density groups don’t have empathy for others (Reptilians, Insects & Spiders), the vast majority of these groups are primitive (over 90%). About 28% of 3rd density groups have empathy for others (Mammals, Birds & Vegetables), over 75% are primitive. God makes groups with empathy smarter and more likely to reach space travel. So, if every group that has space travel would come to Earth, about 67% or 2/3rds would have empathy and likely be positive. If you think positive groups would want to come to Earth more than negative groups. That would make our visitors even more likely to be positive.
I’m also told there are 2 groups of souls in Humanity. One group can incarnate in Middle Easterners, African Blacks or Pacific Islanders. While the other group can incarnate in the rest, Whites, Asians, Hispanics, Native Americans and Australian Aborigines. So depending what experiences we want or need, we have a lot of choices. It looks like to me, this plays into the racial problems of Humanity. The top group has category 2 souls and the other group has category 1 souls.
Ascension can be made after 1 cycle and up to 1.82 cycles, if one’s soul is polarized either over 50%, for positive (service to others), or polarized 5% or under, to ascend negative (service to self). 3rd density also has 3 dimensions of space, and can have a 4th dimension of consciousness, (like Earth right now). All 3 of these densities are in realm 1-red. 3rd density has 3 and 4 dimensions.
When a high-tech evil Reptilian (Insect & Spiders people too) group wants to take over a planet of people that are in the process of developing high technology, they make female clones of their people. They put their souls (from their group) in the clones and bribe men with good DNA to mate with them. Soul traits are passed on by the women, the children always get a soul from the same group the mother’s soul is in regardless of what kind of soul the father has. Any 3rd density soul can incarnate in any 3rd density body. The clones won’t live that long, but the children will be normal. When these children (that have Reptilian souls) grow up, they will be put in positions of power.
There are 2 groups of Reptilians controlling Humanity, Draconians and Lizards. There is a scale of how evil a group that doesn’t have empathy is. It goes from 1 to 100, with 12 being neutral. Less than 12 is positive and 100 being the evilest. The Draconians are rated at 98 (super evil) and the Lizards are rated at 50 (moderately evil). Unfortunately, the Draconians are in control, but the Lizards are taking over. There is also a scale of how positive a group with empathy is. It goes from 1 to 100, with 12 being neutral and any group rated less than 12 is negative and 100 is the most positive. I’m told that Humanity is rated 81 and this is very positive. So, when we get rid of the negative Reptilian rule, we will have a wonderful positive society.
Soul Scores
The first thing I invented is the soul score. I needed it to tell if a soul was polarized positive to make ascension. I dowsed questions on it for hours to figure it out. I was finally told that it goes from 2 to 69. The Law of One said over 50% is polarized positive and 5% or under is polarized negative. So, a 51 or higher is polarized positive and 5 or under is polarized negative. 58 is about as high as anyone gets and I’m told 44 is the average for Humans. Most people have a young soul still in cycle or haven’t finished their cycle yet and have a soul score in the 40s. Souls that have finished their cycle or are qualified for ascension, Starseeds and Wanderers are usually over 50 or are polarized positive. Very young souls in their first 3 lives have immature souls and are usually in the high 30s. Very mean and evil people have lower scores as well.
Soul scores for Reptilian souls and all souls that don’t have empathy go from 2 to 30. 5 or under is polarized negative and 23 or higher is polarized positive. 27 is about as high as any of them get. So, keep this in mind when I give a soul score for a person with a Reptilian soul.
There are 2 kinds of spiritual ascension, Planetary ascension and Individual ascension. Planetary ascension is when a solar system goes from Realm 1 (3rd density, which has 3rd & 4th dimensions) to Realm 2 (4th density, which has 5th through 10th dimensions), so a solar system goes from the 4th to the 5th dimension. A solar system must have a soul group(s) that completed the 3rd cycle (cycle = 25,920 in our solar system, (for our galaxy group’s rules see elsewhere on this page – Great Year) and has a population of at least 2 billion. To go, the people in our solar system must be at least 20% Love and Service to Others, versus Service to Self – Controlling and or Manipulating Others (a little less with great karma and a little more with bad karma), or a 20 or higher soul score. They are actually now planning on a 3-way split. Those qualified for ascension and Starseeds make individual ascension in the paragraph below. Those that are 75% or more done with their cycle but not finished stay on Earth that turns into 4th density and those less than 75% done with their cycle will be brought to another 3rd density planet that is about 40 light years away and start a new 3rd density cycle. I’m told that there is a very young (less than 1,000 years old) mammal group already there that is way different than us, maybe only 4 foot tall with a different kind of mammal body that we will try and teach spirituality and technology. This group will have high potential to be intelligent. We will go to this planet around 2035. All Wanderers and those qualified & Starseeds that weren’t polarized positive will also go to this new planet.
Individual ascension is a soul in 3rd or 4th density going to 5th density. The soul must have completed at least 1 cycle of 3rd or 4th density and be polarized positive (over 50%) or negative (5% or under), and if they have a body then the body goes too. The cycle in our solar system is ending somewhere between 2025 and 2029, and an ascension window will open. Otherwise, a soul can make ascension out of cycle with extra help from God. If a soul in 3rd or 4th density reaches 1.82 cycles, they automatically go the 5th density, but it is way better to get there by making ascension. A soul can make ascension out of cycle up to 2,851 years before the ascension window opens. When I check past lives of someone qualified for ascension, their previous life was at least 2,900 years ago every time. So, 2,851 years seems accurate.
4th Density
4th density is realm 2-Orange, and it has 5 to 10 dimensions. It is similar to 3rd density and a soul can go through their cycle here instead of 3rd density. One would usually live a lot longer through the whole cycle and might be telepathic and have other mental powers in the 9th or 10th dimension, but not in the 5th that the Earth is going to. The low souls cannot do their cycle here, nor can the Archons live here. It has only plants and animals that have souls. Plants are trees, flowers, vegetables and grass, including many weeds, herbs and ferns. Animals are mammals, birds, fish, and includes common sea life like squid & shrimp, as well as an unnamed animal group that is not now on Earth. An Oversoul doing matter divides 20 ways and is a large piece of matter like a lake, a river, or a piece of a star. Low Souls get here by making ascension negatively and stay here for 1/4th of a cycle, kind-of a cooling off period, and then go to the 3rd realm.
5th Density
This is Realm 3-Yellow, and is where we’ll live when we make ascension; it is also 5th density. This Realm 3 has 11 to 14 dimensions, 12th on Earth. Life is over 100 times better in this realm 3. Be polarized over 50% positive or 12% or less for negative and ascends to the 6th density. If not polarized, one stays until one is polarized. When we make ascension, we live in this realm on Earth.
One’s body does not have any openings, so no eating, drinking, talking or sex. One does need to get nourished by going to a special place and taking in special energy; this is the case for all higher realms. Cleaners live here for 2 cycles.
An Over-soul doing matter divides 24 ways and is in charge of a large lifeless planet, small star or a large moon. No liquids or gases in this realm or any higher realms. A soul in this realm can make two copies of its soul and astral travel the Universe all the time.
6th Density
This is Realm 4-Green. Souls and Low souls usually ascend to this realm after 1 cycle of 5th density. An Over-soul that makes matter divides 18 ways and is an inhabited planet or a medium star; the Low souls continue to clean the ones that have already been cleaners and stay 2 cycles.
One gets a better body in each higher realm. After a soul, or low soul, goes through 1/4 of a cycle in this density, (and sometimes at the 3/4 part of last density), if qualified, the soul can become a Wanderer and go back to 3rd density on a soul or Low soul, (depending on what they are), on a people planet for between .75 and 1.25 cycles. Only about 9 in 1,000 qualify, or are spiritual enough, and only about 3 of the 9 take the mission, because it’s such a big sacrifice to go back to the sorrow and misery of 3rd density. I’m one of those.
A Wanderer’s mission on Earth lasts for .97 cycles. A soul, or Low soul, in this density can make 3 copies of its soul or Low soul, and astral-travel the Universe all the time. A soul spends 1 to 1.6 cycles (depending on if one made ascension out of cycle), in this density before ascending. A low soul spends just one if polarized over 50% for positive or 18%, or less, of “Love and Service to Others” for negative. If one isn’t polarized, (50% for positive 18% or less for negative), one stays in 6th density until one is. Realm 4 has 15 to 18 dimensions. Cleaners do 3 cycles in this realm.
7th Density
This is Realm 5-Blue, and it’s on Earth; an Over-soul that does matter, divides 12 ways; it is usually a red dwarf star or a large, inhabited planet. One can only ascend polarized positive over 50% of “Love and Service to Others” to the 8th density, after doing 2 cycles. If one isn’t polarized positive one does more cycles; you can use up to 8 cycles, and if one doesn’t turn polarized positive in 8 cycles and make ascension, the soul is recycled and is no longer a being.
So, this realm is overloaded with negatives, it has 7 times more than the 2 lower realms have. A soul in this realm can make 4 copies of his soul or consciousness, and astral travel the Universe in 4 places at once all of the time. This realm 5 has 19 to 22 dimensions, 3 of space, 1 of time, and others of consciousness, time and energy. Cleaners do 6 cycles in this realm.
8th Density
This is realm 6-Indigo, and this is the lowest realm where souls get such special bodies that they can go into other lower realms. Normally souls, or low souls, in the lower realms have to stay in their realm. A soul, or Low soul, in this realm must make ascension by 15 cycles, or be recycled; one has a chance to ascend after 8 or more cycles.
Here, a soul, or consciousness, can make 5 copies of its soul or Low soul, and astral-travel the Universe in 5 places at once, all of the time. A cleaner does 8 cycles in this realm. An Over-soul that does matter divides 6 ways and is a star like our sun, or bigger (but not a creation star). An 8th density being is what carries Over-souls and Over Low souls to other planets when they go to the next step – a vital step in growth. This realm 6 has 23 to 25 dimensions, 3 of space, 2 of time, and 18 to 20 of consciousness, energy and maybe something else. Time is different. The people in this realm 6 live in the past, present and future at the same time… I’m told that there is a present in all realms, so they all have linear time, plus 2 more components.
9th Density
This is the 7th realm-Violet, the highest realm, and it’s on Earth. A soul, or low soul, does 18 cycles in this realm and goes to the creation Gods to do 8 steps, no matter the level of positivity, but being more positive is, of course, better. A 9th density soul or low soul, like all higher density souls and Low souls, carefully studies 3rd density, but the 9th density can change our reality and often does. An 9th density soul is negative at 36% or lower of “Love and Service to Others”, but there aren’t many. A Cleaner does 12 cycles in Realm 7. The architects that digitally build our reality are in this density plus many other important groups of beings.
An Over-soul that makes matter no longer divides itself, and is a Creation star found in the center of galaxies. In the 9th density there are large Councils that run Galaxies. An 9th density being can go anywhere in the Universe and other Universes. Realm 7 has 26 to 28 dimensions: 3 of space, 2 of time, 20 or 21 of consciousness, energy and something else. A person in this realm can make 6 copies of their soul or consciousness, and astral-travel to 6 different places at once, all of the time.
After 9th Density
After 9th Density our souls go to the upper section of our universe and are combined with about 3,000 other souls to make 1 being and go through 6 steps. After that the universe ends and 30 of these large beings combine again to make an even larger being and go in the Prime Creators and go through 2 more steps, before heading for the central God so to speak and 10 more power levels which is 24 power levels all together. I’m told there isn’t any information on what happens after that, or they won’t tell me yet!
Angels and Demons
Angels and demons are souls that don’t get bodies and go for 12 cycles and then advance to the Creator Gods of the universe they are in. They go through 4 levels.
Level 1 is for 3 cycles. Level 2 is for 2 cycles. Level 3 is for 3 cycles. Level 4 is for 4 cycles.
Angels have empathy for others and demons do not. Oversouls are made for every soul group and have 15 to 24 souls in them, half of the oversouls have empathy for others and half do not. Somewhere in the 3rd Level of the 12 cycles these souls become guardian angels for 3rd or 4th density for 1-2 cycles. They do 3 cycles of guardian angel for 2nd density and start in Level 1 if they qualify. Since half the DNA lines have empathy for others and half doesn’t (chart in DNA section below). Souls with empathy for others are assigned to be a guardian angel for souls in DNA lines that have empathy for others. The other half of the DNA lines that don’t have empathy for others are assigned souls that don’t have empathy for others to be their guardian angels. You could kind of say guardian demons. Only DNA with empathy for others can go in 4th density and so can their guardian angels. Some Angels can become Archangels in the 4th Level. Demons get more powerful in each higher level.
The souls without empathy for others can be Elves, Leprechauns, Gnomes, and nature spirits etc. or Archons and other demons. The souls with empathy for others might become Angels, Archangels, Cherubim or Seraphim. There are many names and labels that can be used I tried to keep it simple and just explain how it works.
Life can be based on 6 different elements, here is the order of how common they are: Carbon, Boron, Chromium, Silicon, Magnesium, and Arsenic. DNA is used in all of these and it’s made of the same thing. All of these life forms have an equal chance of being intelligent. Some of 3rd density life lives underwater and has little chance to develop technology. 3rd density life lives in 6 common atmospheres & fluid, here is the order of how common they are – Oxygen, Methane, Hydrogen, Water, Water vapor and Ammonia. Beings that breathe Hydrogen cannot travel light speed or faster in space travel, but they can use worm holes or alter gravity. I’m told life springs up almost everywhere, and over 50% of solar systems have 3rd density life.
Good Not as Good
Has a Soul Has a Low Soul
Has Empathy for Others Does Not Have Empathy for Others
Mostly “Love and Service to Others” Mostly “Service to Self, Controlling and or Manipulating Others”
In 1st and 2nd Realm + 3rd to 7th Realms In 1st Realm + 3rd to 7th Realms not in 2nd Realm (4th Density) _______________________________________________________________________________________________
Mammals Reptiles & Amphibians
Birds Insects
Fish and Major Sea Life (like squid, Shrimp) Spiders
Animal group that doesn’t live on Earth Worms, Shellfish etc.
Vegetables Grains
Flowers Weeds
Trees Mushrooms, Fungus & Mold
Grasses, Herbs & Ferns Plant Group not living on Earth
Good Microbes for decay & digestion Bad Microbes & Viruses for Disease ________________________________________________________________________________________________
Red means it can become 3rd density. Yes, Vegetables can become 3rd Density, they are actually the highest class of 3rd Density, I’m from a Mammal-people planet. There are 18 main lines of DNA (really 36, but I need to keep it simpler), that account for all biological life in our universe and others, I’m told. There are other forms of life that I haven’t been told much about in our universe, and others that use different types of DNA. So 16 (really 32) of the main lines of DNA live on Earth.
Intelligence + Ingenuity
Here is a list of the different races (groups) of Humanity. A group must have 93% to reach high technology and space travel. If a group is 92.5% or less that group would not develop high technology, use of electricity or space travel, that group will stay primitive or with limited technology.
German & Russian whites 98.5%
Whites 98%
Ashkenazi Jews 98%
Asian Orientals 96.5%
Australian Aborigines 93%
Native Americans 92%
Hispanics 92%
Category 2
Pacific Islanders 89%
Middle Easterners 90.5%
Blacks 88.5%
There are ethnic groups within these groups that may be a little higher or lower. This is more than just intelligence, or the list would be different. I got this information from my guides. The body is 58% of it and the soul is 42%. If a group becomes less spiritual, poorer new souls will be added to that group and that group will achieve far less. When Humanity becomes free from the negative rule we are in, all technology will be equally shared a lot more than it is, and God will send better new souls. This is just the average for each group, so individuals in any group may be a lot better or worse.
I’m told that we will soon stop using EMF waves for communication. We will use the source field, the smaller Aether for communication. It will be instantaneous across the universe. It will have TV, Radio, Internet and the rest and other beings across universe probably won’t catch our stuff. There should be other planets using it, but we probably won’t see it unless they want us too. We will be able to learn new things and technology that others share. We will also be able to communicate with the 5th through 9th densities and maybe higher when they want us to know new information. Taking down the EMF waves will help heal our planet.