Pc help These links below I’m not affiliated with in any way, I don’t know them, they don’t know me. So I need to say click at your own risk. The stuff below is already free on the internet & could be found by you if you are great at searching, but they are hard to find & would be way down on the list you get when searching. There are a lot of registry cleaners on the internet that say they are free. You install them they scan for free find errors, but you got to pay to fix the errors, which I say is a scam. The 1 I give is not that way, don’t treat people that way. It is 100% free, fixes the errors free. However the pages are a little tricky, it’s easy to click an ad by mistake and install something you got to pay for so be careful and start over if you make a mistake. fully free registry cleaner below free software page. The paid version (upgrade) of Glary Utilities is somewhat better, I run it every day when I start my PC. I highly recommend getting it as it does over a dozen good things, just look over the free version. for good new videos, articles and other helpful information every few days. Good report on world events almost daily, maybe 6 a week, usually 30 to 65 minute audio plus Patriot News about what and why things are happening.
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Here’s the list of the truthful websites called fake news.
List v0.0.6: Initial Release
List v0.0.7:
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by Richard E. Sprague A 1976 book about JFK great read.
Watch in 1080p:, UFOs Aliens & DUMBs UFOs Aliens & DUMBs
(667) Descent into Darkness – YouTube military terror and death camps
(757) MOST CORRUPT II: Woodrow Wilson – Forgotten History – YouTube
How to stop a war | Brasscheck TV Military protests
(894) Alobar Jones – YouTube astral travel
(912) The Feathered Friend – YouTube Unusual and scary beings
(2) Gov DROPPING GUNS in CHICAGO According to Ex-Gang Member Whistleblower ( Police brutality bonds
(2) Chemtrails Chapter 2: History of Government Secret Spraying Operations & Human Experimentation ( Evil Government
Brighteon Heart
A speech JFK would have given if he wasn’t killed, that totally goes against the Illuminati (people with Reptilian souls). special videos
(7) Redacted – YouTube Super good stories.
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(13) ReYOUniverse – YouTube Mysteries great channel Insect fights
This Film Will Change The Way You See Yourself ( Who Owns You
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(232) Newsthink – YouTube Deep Thinking great channel
(507) Cash Jordan – YouTube Shows the cities problems
The Sumerian king list: translation ( Kings list in English Museum
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Try the poem at the end.
We are going to make some of these.
(939) Ancient Architects – YouTube Great videos of ancient places
Dycenic glasses invented to be used on the basis of their aura ( Short interesting
Reality Creation | Frederick Dodson – Success Coach The other third of my soul.
(437) Shawn Ryan Show – YouTube Secret stuff ETs space program Black opps
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