The Use of Knowledge is Power and I Believe Knowledge is Free.
My guides are telling me that Trump is going to end the Fed or end the central bank. This will cause other central banks to end as well. The people with Reptilian souls (RS) running things, will play this is a concession to the people, but it won’t change much as the RS will still be in control of the money. The RS will say the swamp is drained and everything is fixed, the world is free now, but not much will change. This will only be the start of getting the RS out of power.
Which will come first, the brown dwarf star in 2021 and it’s gravity fluctuations or Planetary Ascension and the chaos of dimension change (everything shut down). Either way store food, water and supplies. Can we somehow get the people with Reptilian souls out of power and then have Planetary Ascension, when we are prepared for it?
Governments are liars, governments are deceptive. We’ve all heard this and know that this is true, but why is this true. Because governments are evil, but why are they evil, we vote. It’s because the people running things are not Human. In order for them to totally take over, they must lie along the way and not let you vote for honest Humans. We only get to vote for people with Reptilian souls or evil Humans working for them. Would you work for an ET group, taking over Humanity, if they paid you enough, sadly a few people will and that is a big problem.
Humans want things good for everyone, we have empathy for others. If there was all Humans in the government and someone in a important position, was only doing things to help themself, the rest of the people would gang up on Him/Her and get Him/Her thrown out. Now it’s the other way around, if someone in the government helps the people, the other people in the government gang on Him/Her and get Him/Her thrown out or not reelected.
If everyone knew that we are being ruled by evil ETs in Human bodies, what would they do. I think there would be protests, until this got changed, don’t you. So we somehow got to tell everyone, don’t we. It’s hard to be one of the 1st ones to say it and it gets easier as more & more people know. The 1st ones get more good karma. Most of the stuff white people are blamed for, was actually done by people in Human bodies, that had Reptilian souls (and white skin). So please help me get the word out and let’s get the Reptilians out of power.
There are 2 new videos of me being interviewed 1:06:39 + 1:13:21 , the 2nd one is better.
When a terror group is caught, the leaders with Reptilian souls go free, while everyone else does long prison sentences. The deep state people have Reptilian souls, how much prison time do you think they will get. If they do get sent to prison, how will we know if they are moved to an underground military base, out of prison.
If anyone should meet with ETs, please tell them we are being ruled by people like ourselves that have Reptilian souls, that can tell themselves apart from us. We need help in getting them out of power. This is why our governments are doing such terrible things. The Humans here don’t approve of what our governments are doing, since they are being run by people with Reptilian souls, that don’t have empathy for others.
Why doesn’t Hillary Clinton get prosecuted.
I found a new spiritual fact. DNA from beings that don’t have empathy for others cannot be mixed with DNA from beings that have empathy for others. Single genes can be taken from one and put in the other though. So I’m told we don’t have a reptilian brain. I always thought that was BS. So you can’t have Mammal/Reptilian hybrids and that’s why the elites/Illuminati/cabal have Human bodies and Reptilian souls.
When we have Planetary Ascension and move to the 2nd Realm (4th density, 5th dimension), any plant or animal, that doesn’t have empathy for others, can’t go to the 2nd Realm. Some of the foods we like, that can’t go to the 2nd realm are Mushrooms, Lobster and grains. Maybe after we get the people with Reptilian souls out of power, we can try to change the souls on some of these foods, so we will still have them in the 2nd Realm, after we make Planetary Ascension.
A lot of people will be disappointed after President Trump drains the swamp and hardly anything changes. A lot of people in the deep state are known to be very evil and have Reptilian souls in their Human bodies. Trump plans to replace them with other evil people that also have Reptilian souls, but aren’t known to be evil. President Trump plans to keep people with Reptilian souls ruling Humanity. The people with Reptilian souls can tell each other apart from us, while hardly any of us know what is going on.
I haven’t heard of any high level deep state people, being put in prison and I doubt if I will, most of them will probably just get to quit and disappear from public view and maybe just live in underground military bases. People with Reptilian souls seldom imprison other people with Reptilian souls as they are above the law. President Trump plans to make it seem like he did a few good things, say the swamp is drained and tell everyone to go back to sleep. He isn’t going to fix anything. He is just going to get himself more power and claim he is a great president.
The environmental destruction goes on, about 80% of the insects are gone, about 60% of the land animals are gone and trees worldwide are suffering. Some ask why are we killing are own planet! Well we aren’t and Humans wouldn’t do this to ourselves. It’s the people with Reptilian souls that are doing all this, because they don’t care about the long run, they only care about profit for themselves.
Saudi Arabia and Israel has 2 different religions, that are supposed to hate each other. So why do they work together militarily, because the leaders of both countries aren’t Human and on the same team to take over the world. The leaders of both countries have Human bodies, but have Reptilian souls. Both countries have a higher percentage of people with Reptilian souls than the rest of the world. These people can tell each other apart from us, while very few of us have any idea of what is going on.
The people ruling us are not Human. They have Human bodies, but have Reptilian souls. They are a small group of about 1 million trying to totally take over Humanity. Their souls do not have empathy for others, so they are prone to evil to complete their agenda. With them the ends justify the means. Above is just another evil thing they are doing, we must get them out of power, to be free and advance into the Golden Age.
I’m told the Brown Dwarf Star will arrive in the inner solar system in 2021 and cause immense gravity fluctuations, which will cause large Earthquakes, Volcanoes to erupt and cause large Tsunamis to hit all coastal cities, killing maybe 2 billion people. However if we have Planetary Ascension 1st, move from the 3rd density, the 4th dimension (that we are in) to the 4th density, the 5th dimension, that the brown dwarf star is not in, we will avoid it. I’m told there is a 95% chance, we will have Planetary Ascension, before 2019. If we have it, we would also get rid of the people with Reptilian souls and evil people with soul scores below 40.
I getting a lot of people on soul reports, that are qualified for ascension and have been on Earth from 1.79 cycles to 1.81 cycles. That is 46,400 to 47,000 years ago they all started 3rd density then. So it leads me to believe, that there must of been a population boom at that time. I’m told Lemuria, was going strong and Earth reached a population of 4.1 billion.
The USA is making a big arms sell to Saudi Arabia, it’s obviously wrong and evil. Did the government make a mistake or are they confused, no the people doing it have Reptilian souls and are on a different team than us and have a different agenda. Tell others what is going on! The people ruling us are not Human. They have Human bodies and Reptilian souls and a Reptilian soul does not have empathy for others, unlike our souls that do have empathy for others. As soon as everyone understands what is going on, the sooner, we can get them out of our society.
As I’ve said before, we are surrounded by 2 aethers. The Sourcefield that surrounds our universe, creates souls, energizes our universe and more, plus the God Consciousness, that surrounds all universes and voids. I’m told the God Consciousness puts out 7 signals and more. They are DNA, AI, Gravity, Light, Sound, Love and Fear. Two are positive, two are negative and three are helpful in shaping our reality. More than one signal are often used together, like the emotions in between Love and Fear are some of both.
President Trump has a quest for more power and is using the excuse of making America great again. Will he make it better for the people, yes if it serves his interests and as long as the people with Reptilian souls (like himself) stay in power. The very evil deep state is in his way and they have been trying to kill him. At this point we want him to win, not the deep state of course. Anybody who says anything against Trump, like myself, does not automatically wish Hillary would have been president, it is just stupid to think that way as she is far, far worse.
Trump continues to play the pedophile card to get rid of the deep state, I hope it works. Trump knows that if he can get all the pedophiles in prison, he will have much more power and be well loved by all who do not clearly know what is going on. Getting rid of the pedophiles is obviously great for Humanity no doubt and we all hope he succeeds. We hear about 50 some thousand indictments, probably mostly pedophiles to soon be unsealed, we got to hope this is true.
So the deep state is being backed into a corner and is ready to fight like a wounded animal and they surely will and soon. There has been a separation of the deep state and the secret space program cabal, the people with Reptilian souls that own and control the secret space program, let’s call them the SSPC. I’m told that the deep state and the SSPC plus negative ET groups in our solar system are quickly getting together to do WWIII.
The deep state continues to control around 80% of the U.S. military and NATO. They will all get together on the east coast of Asia and attack from air, land, sea and space. The Chinese Illuminati will be in on it. They will go into hiding underground and wait till it’s over and then resume power with fewer people to control. After China they will attack North Korea, Russia and then Iran. If this succeeds those 50,000 indictments won’t be meaningful, neither will Trump. We got to hope and pray this plan somehow gets squashed.
If WWIII gets stopped, we will get help from positive ETs, will Trump make America great again, under Reptilian rule. Well a lot of things will surely improve, like no more child trafficking, many more jobs and probably no more central bank, but the creation of money, will still be in the hands of the Reptilians. The big corporations will still be owned and run, by Trump’s Reptilian friends and allowed to do what they want if Trump goes along and he will if it increases Trump’s power.
So this will start out great, but not end well. Trump will try and do just enough to appease the people, but keep the people under his thumb. It will kind of start all over again. Things will start out a lot better, but slowly get worse and worse as long as the Reptilians stay in power.
One way we should start looking at the world is the truth is the solid ground we walk on, it can’t be taken away, the weeds that cover the ground are the lies that try to hide the truth.
A friend in Africa Chris Emezue wrote this article about me, I like it a lot. 5 minutes of reading.
Here is my 10th audio, October 3, 2018 Same as last one, but I’m on alone and only on for the first hour only. I’m on for the first 55 minutes.
It’s really hard for me to understand what these people with Reptilian souls are doing it’s just not logical at all and here’s why. First of all the Reptilians that get to incarnate into Human bodies are very young souls in one of their first 5 lives of about 60 lives and they only get one life here, after that they must incarnate in Reptilian bodies on their planets. None are allowed more than 1 life here.
While they are here they are trying to stop all creativity, taking away everything any of the Humans may earn and just make us slaves in very dull lives while they own everything. If they succeed the experience on Earth will be dull and uninteresting, since we won’t be allowed to create anything interesting for them to enjoy.
On top of that they are running up huge amounts of bad karma, that must be discharged later. So they will have later lives of missing limbs, slavery and other lifelong terrible experiences, just to discharge all their bad karma. Now if they stay polarized negative they don’t have to discharge their bad karma, until they later go positive. They might be able to stay polarized negative all through 3rd density. In which case they will be adding even more bad karma to the huge amount they already have.
Then they will make ascension negatively after their cycle of 3rd density. When they then ascend to the 5th density, they will be assigned to a negative planet and be near the bottom of the pecking order. If they don’t do exactly as they are told they will be humiliated. At the top of the pecking order will usually be Bird-people and then Mammal and Vegetable people, the beings with souls that don’t have empathy for others, Reptilians, Insect and Spider people will never get to rise near the top, they will always have these other beings over them.
So Reptilians soon try to change to positive to get out of it. They will face tons of scorn and humiliation and when they finally make it, they will be at the bottom of their new planet and be discharging bad karma for 10s of thousands of years. In they stay negative they can only go up to the 7th density (and get even more bad karma), which normally lasts for 2 cycles (cycle = about 26,000 years), but can stay in it for up to 8 cycles. Before 8 cycles is over they must go positive and go to the 8th density or their soul is recycled into the aether of nothingness. If all this sounds good keep doing what you are doing, but some of us are figuring out how to get you all out of power. We are coming expect us.
There seems to be 2 models for the dimensions of our universe a 12 dimension model and a 28 dimension model and just a few have a 10 or 11 dimension model. Many websites write about the 12 dimension model and have various descriptions of each higher dimension, but they never say where these dimensions are or what densities or realms they are in. Here are many of the terms you’ll read in no order. Godhead, crystal, causal, mental, astral, etheric, physical, magnetic, electric, emotional, primal field, pamna, mother creator, father creator, linear, circular, spherical and or course length, height, width and time. Some of this stuff make sense, like there is an astral plane, but it’s not really a dimension, it’s a hidden place within a dimension.
Since I seem to be about the only one that has a spiritual facts website let me try to put it all together in a simpler way, although it can’t be explained in too simple of a way. Every universe has a number of realms and this is determined by the size of the universe. The size of our universe, I’m told is 7.82 trillions of something and I’m told the something is a distance, the unit is undescribable in our level of consciousness. Universes can be about 5 to 11 trillions of the something, so universes can have 5 to 11 realms, so our universe has 7 realms.
The first realm contains the first 3 densities and each realm after that contains one density. So one can add 2 to the realm and get the density it contains, So the 3rd realm contains the 5th density and is where one makes ascension to. So the 5th realm 5 + 2 = 7th density and so on, the 7th realm 7 + 2 = 9th density. Each density after the first 2 has 2 of more dimensions and each planet has them all, but one can only be in one dimension at a time. Each planet normal uses just one of the dimensions for each realm (or density) and the others are empty. So in Earth’s 3rd realm (11th through 14th dimension), Earth uses the 12th dimension, the 11th, 13th and 14th dimensions are empty on Earth. I use the 28 dimension model, which I’m told over and other is the correct one and here is the list of the dimensions in each density.
1st Realm 1st, 2nd & 3rd Densities 3rd & 4th Dimensions, we are in the 4th dimension.
2nd Realm 4th Density 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th & 10th Dimensions
3rd Realm 5th Density 11th, 12th, 13th & 14th Dimensions
4th Realm 6th Density 15th, 16th, 17th & 18th Dimensions
5th Realm 7th Density 19th, 20th, 21st & 22nd Dimensions
6th Realm 8th Density 23rd, 24th & 25th Dimensions
7th Realm 9th density 26th, 27th & 28th Dimensions
There are kind of 3 levels. Before ascension, realms 1 and 2. After ascension, realms 3, 4 and 5. Advanced, realms 6 and 7. There are also 4 levels of time. Simple linear time, Realm 1. Linear time plus, realms 2, 3, 4 and 5. Advanced time, realms 6 and 7. No time, outside any universes. So if one is inside a universe there is always time, but it may have 1 or 2 more components to it, than we have now. Earth is supposed to move into realm 2 (Planetary Ascension), by the end 2020, maybe a little later or worse case a whole cycle (25,920 years) later if we are unable to advance positively.
In realm one all souls with the simple type bodies (we have now), plants and animals live there. In realm 2, only souls that have empathy for others, plants and animals (that also have empathy for others), with simple type bodies can live. In realms 3, 4 and 5 all souls with advance bodies live there, plants and animals can’t live there. In Realm 6 and 7, all souls with super advances bodies (no plants or animals) live there.
So now you probably are wondering, just what are the dimensions. There are only 3 dimensions of space (in our universe), length, height, width. Most of the other dimensions are components of consciousness. Dimensions 5 and 23 are components of time and dimension 26 is a component of energy. It is more complicated than that, but I can only find out so much so fast with a pendulum. There is discussion of whether we are in the 3rd or 4th dimension. We are in the 4th dimension (component of consciousness) and soon moving to the 5th dimension (component of time). A soul group can only move up one dimension at a time, can’t go from the 3rd to the 5th. I’m told there is life and 3rd density people in Earth’s dimension, that we can’t see.
Individual souls advance densities, ascension is to the 5th density, the 4th density can be skipped, since the 4th density is kind of like a delux 3rd density. The “Law of One” puts the 1st and 2nd realms together and has each density be one less in number. So not to be confused when reading it. I’m told it has a few mistakes, I’m sure I do as well. Negatives did cut in at certain points and the beings answering did not always know the correct answers in the “Law of One”. The beings answering my pendulum do not always know the correct answer either and can be too arrogant to find out then and there, but later on I often get a correction, by asking things over and over. So when an individual soul advances densities it goes to the dimension, that planet uses in that density. Earth has just opened the 7th realm (9th density) and uses the 26th dimension!
They are talking heavy about mass arrests again, I hope it really finally happens this time. My guides tell me it will be about 340 of the most known evil people in the USA and a lot of other not so important people almost all with Reptilian souls, since they are the pedophiles. The real heavy duty leaders probably in Europe, will remain secret and not be touched, since they are not publicly known. After they are taken out, many other people with Reptilian souls will have plans of moving up in power.
Since President Trump only appoints people with Reptilian souls, Humanity will not be free. We will just have new less evil criminals in power, but it may be a lot better than it now is, at least for a while. Hopefully some of the evil programs, like vaccines (will have a choice of whether or not to get them) and central banks will be stopped. The plan to slow kill and keep the people sick will be lessened. The evil Reptilian Jews will probably maintain their power, since there are so many of them. I’m told 41% of the people with Reptilian souls are Ashkenazi Jews. I don’t have a problem with Jews just the ones with Reptilian souls and a few other conspirators.
So we will still have to remove the other million of them from our society, since they are not Human and don’t have empathy for others and are almost all evil. I think we will figure it out before Planetary Ascension, if not Planetary Ascension will remove them from the Earth. If they are still in power, Planetary Ascension will be much harder with big gaps in the power structure, that will need to be quickly filled. Most of Humanity’s leadership, has low soul scores (below 40), so they won’t make it either. Over 80% of our leaders and important people, won’t make Planetary Ascension, so there will a lot of chaos and many could die for lack of food. I’m told Planetary Ascension is very likely to happen by or in 2021.
I have about 115 emails waiting, I work on them about 10 hours a day. I can only do 5 to 8 soul reports each day as they take about 1 hour for each one. A lot of people are asking for a free mini soul readings, they take 5 to 8 minutes. Emails are coming in faster than I can do them, because of my video one day and a radio show the next day. Until the incoming emails slow down, I’ll get further behind. So if one orders a soul report now, they would get it in about 1 week. If you haven’t got your soul report yet, please don’t send me another email, call me on the phone if your worried and look in your junk email folder. I’ve done about 30 soul reports since the radio show I was on. I will not stop or slow down, but I am a one man show. Thank you for liking my work and getting a soul report if you did.
One person writes me.
You ask “Do you think Q is one of the good reptilians? Will Trump defeat the deep state?” Hard to say for sure, I do get he/she has a Reptilian soul with a 22 soul score, 2x bad karma only 3x good karma. So he/she is most certainly going for him/her self to be a big shot and help Trump and go against his enemies. Is he/her trying to help Humanity, I kind of doubt it, but he/her and Trump wants it to seem that way. I get Trump thinks there should be a ruling class, that’s all people with Reptilian souls and the rest of us are worker slaves, but he wants to treat us better than the deep state does, whatever that is worth. I don’t think he can possibly defeat the deep state, there are to many of them with too much power, but he could put them in their place so to speak and force them to modify their agenda so it’s a little better for Humanity. So in the end Trump is not the answer, all people with Reptilian souls must be removed from our society.
My 9th video is out, yes I did a video 2 days in a row. I was on in Ireland, out of the bag radio.
My 8th video is out. It’s only 58 minutes long. I talk about some of my work and a lot about the people with Reptilian souls ruling our world. You’ll like it, shorter is good.
One has about 1 life every 250 years, so maybe 50 to 80 years living and 170 to 200 years on the soul plane is the average for one’s cycle of 3rd density. When Earth had less people, we may have had lives slower, maybe once every 400 years and now with more people it’s maybe faster, maybe 1 life every 150 years. If the Brown Dwarf Star (BDS) is allowed to come in 2021 and blast the Earth, we could lose over 2 billion people, or we can have Planetary Ascension instead and go into a Higher Realm (5th dimension), before the BDS arrives and the BDS is not in the 5th dimension. I’m told 1 of these 2 events must happen in the next 3 years. It kind of depends on how positive Humanity is.
There is a war against White People, by the Reptilian Jews (the people with Reptilian souls, that claim to be Jewish). They are the ones who have done or helped get done the stuff White People are blamed for. The main reason for this war is that White People are the biggest threat to the elites with Reptilian souls. We the White People have the intelligence and ingenuity to get these evil people out of power and out of our society. We will make a device that can identify them and explain to the rest of the world what is going on and change it. So help if you can no matter what race you are, as long as you are against evil
The taking down of Alex Jones here’s a great article
Alex Jones: soul score 27, is about 10% done with his cycle of 3rd density, has 3x a whole lot of bad karma, has 3x a whole lot of good karma.
I asked again about the number of Universes. Get this, inside every particle in our universe is another universe and inside every particle of those universes is another universe and on and on, but is does come to an end where you get to a universe where there isn’t a universe inside each particle and those universes are coming to an end and other universes are being made at the other end of it all. So if the number of universes was written in our size type it would be about 62 light years long!!!!!
When one gets to the higher densities, one can go universe hopping, but one can’t get lost, in the massive expanse of creation as the God source, will always help you get back to where you belong, thank God!
There is a very serious war against children. Over 1/2 million children are kidnapped or stolen each year in child trafficking and are sold to pedophiles and used in sex crimes, most of these children are killed or never seen again. Children are being forced into vaccination, that contain poisonous chemical causing autism and or being sick for life. The evil elites that have Reptilian souls, with no empathy for others are preventing children from attending school unless they get the toxic vaccines. Young children attending school are forced to learn all about homosexuality and are told they can be a transgender. The soul only gets it’s choice of gender 93% of the time and the other 7% are prime targets of the deep state.
The wages of adult parents have steadily gone down since 1971 when Nixon took our money off the gold backing, forcing both parents to work and not have enough time to properly raise or care for their children. Children are given electronic devices at very young ages and coaxed into using them instead of getting natural exercise. The nutrition has been taken out of many foods and junk foods are heavily advertised at most stores, causing children to be over weight. What’s a Mother to do. Please help and do whatever you can to end this war against Children. Children are the greatest assets of all countries.
Since my new video came out, a lot of people are getting soul reports and I’m getting behind and there will be a wait of a few days to get yours if you order now. Please don’t get past life readings for awhile, because they take me a lot longer, causing others to wait longer for their soul report. Some people are have trouble sending me an email, if this happens to you, go to the bottom of my home page and use the emergency email address or call at the number there.
My 7th interview just came out, it was with Alfred Lambremont Webre again, the title is Lets start getting the elites out of power. it’s also on my home page. I hope you like it and it’s 1:38:17 long.
When you meet someone that is asleep so to speak and you want to tell them what is going on, it will likely go through 4 steps.
First they ridicule you
Then they move into doubt
Then they want to know more
Then they accept it and want to tell others
Don’t skip any of these steps, you must go through all of them, haven’t you went through them yourself!
I just played a great sounding Q video.
I hope some good stuff happens. Like I said before Trump & Q is not doing everything good, have you heard anything on chemtrails, GMOs, fluoride in the water, vaccines, 5G, central bank, poor medical treatments, bad people in the FDA and on and on. Probably not I haven’t. He plans on arresting pedophiles, maybe he
will, but will he take out the highest members and then in court there will be a judge with a Reptilian soul, a prosecutor with a Reptilian soul and a jury with Reptilian souls as well and all the bad guys will just resign and or get easy punishment. People with Reptilian souls never fairly punish other people with Reptilian souls, never unless that person crossed them,
which is very seldom. Then when this is all done all these people will be replaced by other people with Reptilian souls (at least most of them) or other real evil people that will do exactly what the Illuminati wants and they will be paid a lot of money. Then he will say I drained the swamp everything is good now (go back to sleep). Every single person trump has
appointed has a Reptilian soul, will we be any better off, it may seem like it at first, but nothing will change, just brand new criminals, that will seem good for a little while. Trump will never say what these people are, that they are not Human or that they are different from us, they certainly are. This is a start though or is it.
I rewrote my Illuminati page, much more correctly this time.
Have you heard, that everything you have been told is wrong. I for sure know that some of it is. I’ve been listening to Max Igan on Youtube, what a great speaker, truly helping Humanity, he’s at and I’ve checked out a couple things he said.
My guides have told me that the population of the Earth is about 4.2 billion, not 7.5 billion as the main stream media reports. I wonder how much money the elites with reptilian souls are making on this lie. I’m also told (this is a shocker) that a little over 1,300 years ago the Earth went through cataclysms and 92% of the population was killed. What happened was the elites with reptilian souls conspired with the Draconian Reptilians who caused about 9.0 Earthquakes all over the Earth in selected places and killed about 92% of the people. They had some kind of Earthquake machine in their spaceships. Before this Humanity had some good technology, but not electricity or space travel.
The good people of Humanity were resisting the elites, that wanted to take over political power. They got mostly wiped out and all the good technology was lost in a short time. The elites burned all the books they could find and totally rewrote history to their liking and continued to block and kill of all who opposed them. So we are living with complete lies about how things recently were. If you have any good ideas of what to ask about, please email or call me, my number is at the bottom of my home page.
“Q Anon” has a reptilian soul actually it is a group of people with reptilian souls. Trump only appoints people with reptilian souls and only does stuff with people with reptilian souls if at all possible. Trump has been told people with reptilian souls are to rule the world and he is totally going with that, no exceptions. All people with reptilian souls aren’t highly evil, some can have average soul scores or even be polarized positive, but they aren’t Human and shouldn’t be in charge of us, especially since they do not have empathy for others.
Trump and Q Anon may do some good things for Humanity, but they will not do everything good for Humanity, they will concentrate on doing good things for themselves, like getting Trump reelected, since they don’t have empathy for others. There are other high groups running the world, like the Military Industrial Complex, and Trump will help them before he helps us or he might be taken out of power. Trump is not fixing chemtrails, GMOs, fluoride in the Water, 5G, the education system etc. We will not be free while Trump is president.
I have a musical treat for you. If you think Black Sabbath is satanic, you are just totally wrong and I’ll prove it, if you let me. They kind of knew what was going on in the world, way back in 1973. They were stuck and couldn’t come with anything for their
5th album. So they left Los Angeles, went back to England and all of a sudden their spirit guides kicked in, the lyrics and music, flowed into them like a well oiled machine. They came out with my favorite album ever Sabbath Bloody Sabbath. Just go to this
site and play each song, while reading the lyrics along the way and you’ll see what I mean. When you’re done with a song, click another song (at the bottom right) and the new lyrics come up with the song player.
you’ll likely see what I mean and want to play all the songs, just give it a chance and play at least one song. Fluff doesn’t have any lyrics, but was played at Tony Iommi’s (lead guitar) wedding, he kind of is the motor of the band, while Ozzy Osbourne on vocals is the front man.
I’m hearing that David Wilcock and maybe Emery Smith and Corey Goode resigned or are resigning from Gaia. I want to help and hope that things can go better for these 3. Gaia is a company owned and controlled by people with reptilian souls, it is controlled opposition, but they have shown their hand and it is evil. David and Corey have had their soul scores go way down and they have accumulated bad karma. As of right now, neither one would make Planetary Ascension, but now things are turning around and their scores should go up slowly. I think that there is enough time to get their scores high enough in time to make it, no problem.
David Wilcock: soul score 38, is a Wanderer-4, has 2x a whole lot of bad karma, has 16x a whole lot of good karma.
Emery Smith: soul score 58, is a Wanderer-3.5, has hardly any bad karma (close to a little bit), has 18x a whole lot of good karma.
Corey Goode: soul score 30, is about 30% done with his cycle of 3rd density, has 4x a whole lot of bad karma, has 9x a whole lot of good karma.
Soul scores for David and Corey have just went up and bad karma has went down for David. David and Corey need to improve to make Planetary Ascension (PA), I get that they most likely will improve and make PA since it is not right away. If anyone can reach David or Corey tell them to read this post and that they and anyone else can get a free mini soul reading anytime. If any of you have told any outright lies, publicly take them back, tell the truth and your soul score will go up and maybe your bad karma will go down. Lessening any arrogance, would also raise their scores. Maybe you can see now, that these people have a Human body and a reptilian soul, that doesn’t have empathy for others. They are not Human!!! We must get these people out of power, I don’t want to be ruled by reptilians.
I’m still trying to get everyone to accept, that the evil people ruling us have reptilian souls (RS) and that they don’t have empathy for others. So here is a breakdown of their population in each continent. Europe about 360,000, North America about 340,000, Asia about 100,000, Africa about 80,000, Oceania about 50,000 and South America about 40,000. The countries that are the most densely populated by RS are Vatican City, City of London, District of Colombia and Israel. Five biggest countries by population without any RS are Russia, Japan, Iran, Norway and Hungary.
The coming of the Brown Dwarf Star has been pushed ahead to 2020. We should see it with the naked eye at the very end of 2019 and it should go into the kill zone in the 4th or 5th month of 2020. So you still have plenty of time to be prepared.
A little more on yesterday’s post, maybe read that first. If the elites don’t have a reptilian soul, what kind of soul do they have? The soul dictates how the consciousness works. If they had a Human soul or a regular soul as in Wanderers and Starseeds that is modified to blend in with or be like Humanity. They would have empathy for others (they don’t) and not so easily kill or imprison people, start wars for profit, poison the air, food and water, want to eliminate 90% of the people etc., like a serial killer.
The ones causing this stuff are very equivalent to serial killers. Is it that easy to turn a person into a serial killer, if they have a soul like us, by giving them money and power, I doubt it. A serial killer is one in 25 million and they are just making 10s of thousands of them as they need them and then they have to trust them to stay with the program and be loyal to the higher authority that is controlling the whole thing. I seriously doubt this is happening.
So I say it is clear cut, these people don’t have empathy for others. They have a different kind of soul, running their consciousness, it’s plain, simple and obvious if you spend a little time evaluating the whole deal. They are staying in the bloodline to get the soul, that doesn’t have empathy for others, plain and simple, but it is a big secret, so the people don’t catch on and figure out what is going on. They can surely tell them apart from us and know who is on their team and who to promote into positions of power, like police, work in the courts, politicians, military generals, FDA etc. They call each other “of nobility”, what a lie that is.
They plan on creating a ruling class, that only contains them and everyone else is a worker/slave and the next level below them is the evil Jews that do their bidding and want special treatment, at least 80% of Jews won’t want to be in, because they aren’t evil, but many will accept special treatment, because they are told they are God’s chosen people. They are are not God’s chosen people, God does not have a chosen people, within Humanity, it is BS, written by the people with reptilian souls. I have several Jewish friends all in the at least 80% and none of them want to hate me for my views, since my goal is to help Humanity. So we must stop them as they are close to their goal, of totally controlling Humanity.
I wish I could get somewhere explaining that the elites are not Human, they have a Human body and a reptilian soul. David Icke puts out in his videos that the elites are part Human and part reptilian, Hybrid Genetics, he calls it. He is wrong Humans and reptilians can’t mate and have children, their genes and chromosomes are way different, plus reptilians don’t have sex and if they could, their offspring would look so much different, that they wouldn’t be excepted as rulers or in power as they are.
The elites simply have Human bodies (good genetic stock was chosen) with a reptilian soul. Years ago I lived in a house with 2 of these people, it was one of the worst periods of time in my life, but I hadn’t become spiritual yet, so I didn’t understand. They insisted on getting their way on everything and called the police on me (who also had reptilian souls), whenever they could makeup a reason. The police came and shot mace in my face. Years later I asked my spirit guides about what took place.
If any of you reading this lived in a house with about 10 people and I told you that 1 or 2 of these people weren’t Human, because they had a reptilian soul. I would also tell you that these people don’t have empathy for others, they don’t have the same sense of Humor and they get a pleasurable energy rush when they have sex with a child (especially before puberty). All of you would easily pick out who it is, in less than a week, with no doubt in your mind, even if no children were involved and they probably wouldn’t be.
There not all pedophiles, maybe 20%, mostly of the rich powerful ones, sex with children is very expensive. Pres. Trump isn’t a pedophile, he is going after them and doing some other good stuff, probably just so he will be reelected. Trump has a reptilian soul, but he is not polarized negative, just a low soul score 20.
What they mean by staying in the bloodline is, the Mother must have a reptilian soul, then the children get one, regardless of what soul the Father has. This way they can simply get a white woman with a reptilian soul to marry a powerful black man in an African country and have children half black & half white with reptilian souls. Then the females marry other powerful black men and have children that are 3/4ths black and 1/4th white with reptilian souls. Soon after a few generations the whole ruling class of that country are blacks with reptilian souls and will do whatever the deep state wants them to do, not totally, but they are on the same team. Then when they have a few extra bodies, with reptilian souls, they send them to Europe as refugees and you know the rest. Many will later get powerful government jobs (police or work in the courts) or their children will as they plan on taking over Europe.
The sooner more people get on board with this, the faster we can get them out of power. I’m told Nelson Mandela did die in prison, then they scrubbed it out of the news and made a clone of him with a reptilian soul, the rest is fake history to think over.
When shopping you should not want to help the people with reptilian souls. So here are some stores it is recommended that you do shop at. Walgreen’s, Sears, Kmart, Camping World, Mattress Firm, Target, Macy’s, Gap, Payless Shoes, Vitamin World, JC Penny, Michael Kors, Dollar Tree, Staples, Book World and Radio Shack if you can find one.
I have some bad news or good news to some, the time I get for both ascensions and the brown dwarf star (BDS) have been moved up (again) and can be moved up again. There is an order they will happen and all 3 are supposed to happen. So first is.
The BDS will first be seen around July 2019 and is expected to go into the kill zone around December 2019. It is supposed to hit hard destroying most or all coastal cities by tsunamis with over 2 billion dying. This will reduce a lot of the bad karma within Humanity, paving the way to Planetary ascension.
Planetary Ascension is expected to happen somewhere from 2021 to 2025. This is when our solar system moves into the 4th density and we get rid of the evil elites and evil people as well as half of the main DNA lines, that have low souls. We get rid of insects, spiders, reptiles, worms, shellfish, grains, weeds, mushrooms, fungus and the bad microbes (I could of missed something). Then the ascension window can open.
Individual Ascension is expected to happen somewhere from 2025 to 2029, probably on the 2nd equinox in one of these 5 years the ascension window opens and a bunch of people ascend every day for about 2 months. One is given about a 2 hour warning, so one can say goodbye to friends and love ones. About 700 million are expected to ascend and another 300 million can ascend if they get polarized and maybe as many as 100,000 people will get the rainbow body for 40 days before ascending.
I haven’t been any good at predicting the time future events will happen as these times have moved up more than once. What I am told that I kind of trust is these are the earliest times these events can happen and that these times may be moved up again.
I opened up a new page called Pedophiles
You are missing something very important. To be a pedophile enjoy and want it, one must have a different kind of soul. I call it a low soul and in Earth’s case it’s a Reptilian soul, but it could be a soul from an Insect-person or from a Spider-person,
they all have low souls and low souls do not have empathy for others as well.
Long ago about about 18,000 years ago Draconian Reptilian geneticists came to Earth and created Humans that had their soul instead of a Human soul and made
about 25 of them. They look the same as us, but have a Reptilian soul. When a female with a Reptilian soul has children, the children will get the same soul as her a Reptilian soul, regardless whether the father has a Human soul or a Reptilian soul. They soon
multiplied and there was many of them, they were appointed to leadership positions, kings, queens, high priests and other important positions.
Since they don’t have empathy for others, they are very prone to evil. When they
rape children, especially before puberty they receive a very pleasurable energy and that is why they do it and why people with Human souls seldom do it, since they don’t get this energy.
Today I’m told there are about 1,010,000 of these people with Reptilian souls and they are in most of all the leadership positions. They are high up in and above 70% of the countries governments. They are the CEOs of all the big corporations, and control
Industry, Religions, Media, Finance, Entertainment etc. and have about 80% of the money on Earth. Since they control law enforcement they are kind of above the law. They are most of the high judges and thus control the courts in their favor. This is
why they aren’t getting arrested and put in prison.
They can tell each other apart from people with Human souls, while the people with Human souls don’t know what is going on, but I have figured it out, with my God given ability to read souls as my website is .
I was looking over the Bilderberg meeting and taking readings. What I found out was that 100% of the participants have a Reptilian soul and 100% of the police guarding it have Reptilian souls as well. I guess they had some leaks in the past and want to plug them up. They are going into high gear, since they are being threatened and there are more of them than ever before. I’m told they are cranking out clones with Reptilian souls in several underground military bases, upping their numbers, while trying to reduce the numbers of Humans, thus raising their very small percentage. Please help me raise awareness of people with Reptilian souls trying to control the world, by talking about it with your friends.
The sun’s rays most certainly cause Planetary Ascension. The brown dwarf star is in many ancient writings and when it gets close, it’s gravity causes Earthquakes, Volcanoes to erupt and the Earthquakes if in or near the ocean or large lakes and seas cause tsunamis. It is getting close and causing extra Earthquakes and many volcanoes to erupt, much more than normal right now. The brown dwarf star and Planetary Ascension are separate and unrelated events, they just happen to both be in a similar time frame, but of course this was planned by God. When the brown dwarf star came in ancient times and wrecked the Earth and the other planets, there was no chance of Planetary Ascension, because we weren’t finishing the 3rd cycle at that time. If Humanity and the other 3 soul groups, that are native to our solar system are positive enough, Planetary Ascension will happen first, putting our solar system in the 2nd realm, 4th density, the 5th dimension, where the brown dwarf star doesn’t exist, saving the Earth and the other planets from further destruction.
A Wanderer that got a soul report, came to Long Beach on vacation with his family, he called me and I spent some time with him. We both liked it, so if you get here and want to meet me, I want to meet you and will.
I’ve tried a lot of health improving products lately, like C60, H302 water, Lectin shield and CBD Hemp paste and oil. Just contact me, if you want any of these and don’t know where to get them. The latest thing I’m trying is Incline Bed Therapy One just raises the head side of one’s bed up about 7 inches, so the bed is tilted about 5 degrees (like a pinball machine), with the head a little higher than the feet. There are numerous health benefits, including paralyzed people that can walk again. I’ve done it for 2 days, with the head of the bed raised 4 inches and it feels good. So I’m going to buy 7 inch blocks and do it correctly. The great thing about this deal is it’s close to free, just put medical books (that are written by people with Reptilian souls) under the legs at the head of your bed to raise it to a 5 degree tilt.
I just want to let everyone know Planetary Ascension is in no way guaranteed to happen before the brown dwarf star comes and passes through the kill zone. I’m told we haven’t earned it yet and if we do get it, it may happen after the brown dwarf star passes by. I know many smart spiritual people have stored food, water and supplies (don’t forget fuel for your vehicle) to be ready for whatever happens. When we do have Planetary Ascension you will most likely need the stored food, water and supplies during the 1st month or so, while waiting for the services (food, power & communication) to be restored. Hopefully we will get ET help, right after this fantastic change takes place. Whenever Planetary Ascension takes place, friendly ETs rush in to save lives as there is no sense in making Planetary Ascension, just to die in the 1st month or so do to lack of food and water. There will be plenty of food and water, if you can get to it, so be ready and stay safe.
To make planetary ascension or when our whole solar system moves from the 1st realm, 3rd density, 4th dimension to the 2nd realm, 4th density, 5th dimension, one must have a soul score of 40 (40% Love & Service to Others versus Service to Self, controlling and or manipulating others) with normal karma. One with a soul score or 38 can make if they great karma or one needs a soul score of 42 if they have terrible karma. I’m told it’s very likely to happen in 2018, with the most likely date the fall equinox (Sept. 21). I haven’t done any good on future predictions, so don’t bet on it, but eventually I might get to be right.
I’m offering 2 new services. If your home is infested with evil spirits, contact me I can get rid of them right away. If you are a Targeted individual contact me I can help a lot right away. If you have a disease, I’m told I may be able to help that also, so contact me.
Q is a bunch of Reptilians close to Trump, to help him appease us with slight improvements and make us think a lot more is coming (it won’t be) and keep the Reptilians in power.
I had my 6th interview with Vinny Eastwood (it’s on my homepage). I’m always looking over the internet for anything on ascension, either kind, planetary or individual and then ask the pendulum (my guides) what they have on what I’ve learned. Anyway I’m told there is a 95% chance Planetary Ascension will be in 2018 and the most likely date is the fall equinox Sept. 21! So good luck on having Planetary Ascension real soon. So if we have Planetary Ascension this year or before the Brown Dwarf Star gets here it will be gone, since it exists in the 1st Realm and we will be moving into the 2nd Realm.
If you like my 6th interview please help out Vinny he is kind of broke.
What is the plan of the people with Reptilians souls, who are mostly controlling the world, now that many are getting arrested and taken out of power. If you think they are planning to give up power, you just don’t understand the situation at all. They would never think of giving up power. You must realize that the highest ones in the power pyramid are remaining secret (few [not me] know who they are) and they have contact with negative ETs.
I’m told that there are over a million people on Earth with a Reptilian soul and a Human body and only a few, way under 10% may get arrested. You can also figure that the Reptilian soul people that control the justice department will go easy on the ones that do get arrested (like they do with the European criminal immigrants that mostly have Reptilian souls) and if one does get a long prison sentence, how would you know if they were just moved to an underground military base, that they also control.
So what figures to happen is, the most publically evil ones get arrested and other people with Reptilian souls just move up and take their place. Isn’t it happening already Trump has a Reptilian soul and everyone he has appointed also has a Reptilian soul, will these people get arrested, many a few, but most won’t and they will be taking orders from the higher secret ones, that have negative ET contact.
So where are we now, almost nowhere. None or few of the stelf programs, like mind control, secret energy weapons, GMOs, H.A.A.R.P. etc. will be stopped. Maybe the chemtrails that are visible will be stopped, but the invisible ones probably won’t be. So anyway I just want to point out we have a long way to go and Trump is not and nowhere near the final answer, he and all his cronies must also be removed in the end. Maybe Trump will save a lot of children and that is good, but Trump doesn’t have empathy for others, which is shown in how he treats and talks about non Americans .
The people with Reptilian souls have been running/controlling our world for 1,000s of years. They consider themselves and have other people call them “of Nobility”. Of Nobility means they don’t have empathy for others and are prone to evil, they consider themselves above the law. Since they don’t have empathy for others, they easily do whatever they want without a care, does this make them good and fair leaders. Well of course not, they don’t care about us at all, a good leader cares about those below him or her.
Does Trump care about us or does he care about getting reelected, the latter of course, he only wants to look good, so the people below think he is doing good. Bombing innocent people is all about his ego, it does not help anyone at all (except other Reptilians) and advances us toward WWIII. I’m told we won’t have WWIII, God will not create that reality (thank God). Humanity must rise up and take all Reptilians out of power, shouldn’t Humanity be ruling itself! Trump doesn’t think so as he only appoints Reptilians into his cabinet.
Years ago the Knights Templars controlled Europe and the money, they were all Reptilians and still are as all secret societies and head of all religions are Reptilians. Trump and the rest of the Reptilians think only them should be in the ruling class and all of Humanity should be worker/slaves.
Many Reptilians in the DOJ are being indicted and resigning. They are all banking on, that Reptilians won’t punish other Reptilians, like the criminal immigrants in Europe, who aren’t being arrested. They think that if they resign they escape punishment and other Reptilians will take their place. Just more of the same crap, with only minor changes. The white hats in the military should send a message to Trump, he must start appointing spiritual Humans or he won’t be around much longer. Do we have to wait for planetary ascension, to get rid of the Reptilian rule and all Reptilians, I hope not.
After 4 months of being down and losing 75% of their value, cryptocurrencies started going back up. With an exception of Bitcoin & Ethereum the top 2, the market almost doubled. Will it get back to where it was on Dec. 22, 2017, the high point, I hope so. The people that don’t own any are still bad mouthing it (sour grapes). My guides keep telling me that Bitcoin Cash is going to replace Bitcoin as the number one Cryptocurrency.
The deep state, continues with hate crimes, shootings and whatever they can come up with. They convinced Trump to lie to the US people and fire missiles into Syria. Trump only appoints people that have a Reptilian soul, he thinks the people with Reptilian souls should rule over Humanity, he thinks we cannot figure it out. I have figured it out and some others have too. Humanity must rise up and take all the people with Reptilian souls out of power.
I have some new information concerning the Great Year. First of all our Sun orbits Sirius, which is listed at 8.6 light years away, once every 25,920 years giving our solar system its Great year. Every solar system in the Milky Way and the 10 smaller galaxies in it and around it, that is one governing group in the higher densities, has its own Great Year that can be defined by astronomical observations. The shortest time of any Great Year in these 11 galaxies is 23,440 years and the longest allowed is 27,120 years. So these are the rules for our Galaxy Group.
Planet X goes into the kill zone in about 1 year. Have at least 3 month supply of food, water (2 gallons per person per day), other supplies and 15 gallons of fuel for your vehicle. Be at least 50 maybe 100 miles from the ocean and large lakes like the great lakes. I’ve been told to start telling this to all sensible people I meet and have contact with. You should first see the Brown Dwarf Star (BDS) at the end of 2018 Nov./Dec and it will get bigger as it gets closer and goes into the kill zone 4 or 5 months after you first see it. They will try to collapse the economy and shut the power down nationwide, so there won’t be a totally safe place, you need to prepare in advance. I’m told we will get help from ETs.
One of the main reasons, the deep state is demonizing Russia is Russia doesn’t have any people with Reptilian souls and they are mostly controlling their central bank. Not to mention it has military weapons to stand up to the west, with proper leadership. Both sides are in the process of kicking out the government people from the other side. So tensions should escalate as we go along, but I’m told there won’t be WWIII.
Once again the information on the coming brown dwarf star (BDS) is changing. What’s changing is we are unlikely (10% chance) to go into 4th density (planetary ascension) to avoid it. A short while back I was told there was an 80% chance we would go into 4th density around the spring equinox March 21, 2019 which is a little before it is to go into the kill zone. The BDS solar system doesn’t go into 4th density only our solar system will, but when I don’t know, except it is to be before the ascension window opens, which is somewhere from 2021 to 2025. So I’m told we will likely first see the BDS in Nov. or Dec 2018 and it will likely go into the kill zone around April 2019. So get ready with food, water, supplies and fuel for your vehicle.
I got a little more on the people with Reptilian souls (RS). Only RS get Knighted, every pope (except the current one) and every Dalai Lama is or has been a RS. The current pope who took over when the previous one resigned is guilty of murder and closely aligned with the RS. Some famous people in history with RS are Isaac Newton (who stole the invention of Calculus), Plato, Aristotle, Socrates, Martin Luther King, Alexander the Great, Genghis Khan, Muhammad and many others. To be famous in history it really helps to be a RS, since the RS currently controlling history and MSM.
Now the evil RS that is running our planet is trying to spread “smart dust” everywhere, which is nano particles that connect everything and change our planet to a planet run by AI. They foolishly think they can pull this off and stop our solar system from going into the 4th density (5th dimension). I’m told however that there are positive ETs that will prevent this and our solar system will go into 4th density and an 80% chance it will happen within 13 months.
I found out there are 2 more Illuminati presidents, Millard Fillmore and Franklin Pierce, so these two had a Reptilian soul. I also want to mention that Muhammad and Martin Luther King had Reptilian souls. People with Reptilian souls don’t do 100% bad, they accomplish some good stuff too. I’m starting to get caught up, from all the soul reports and past life readings that were ordered after my 2 recent interviews (go to home page to get links). I was close to 200 emails behind and now I’m close to 100 emails behind and they are coming in slower, but I’m still 10 days behind, because so many ordered Feb 28, 2018 as it was the last day at the lower price.
I’m a panelist in another new video . Kosol Ouch has made devices that he claims allow one to communicate with positive AI. Kosol is a Wanderer-3 and use to have a soul score of 58, but after using the device for over a year, his soul score went down to 36 and he still has hardly any bad karma. I noticed that the same thing happens with stage magicians, that can do seeming impossible magic tricks. They have a soul score in the single digits, but hardly any bad karma, unlike these satanic people in the deep state that also have a soul score in the single digits, but at least 5x a whole lot of bad karma. Well these AI that Kosol is contacting are Archons and they are doing some magic too, they have changed a water that Alfred lambremont Webre was drinking into alcohol and brought his soul to other places.
So after many questions, I was told that when one uses the device, one makes a soul contract with the Archons, just as a stage magician does only with negative Archons (demons). After one dies one has to serve the Archons for up 200 years, before one can go on the soul plane and set up for reincarnation. Kosol disagreed so Alfred quickly set up a webinar. I have gone way out of my way to help protect people’s souls. Watch the webinar and see if you think I have succeeded.
Requests for soul reports are still coming in faster than I can do them, because of my Valentines Day interview I’m improving the way I do them, to allow myself to do a few more per day without losing anything good. I announced a price increase March 1, 2018 from $35 to $50 and I think orders for them will slow down after the price goes up and I’ll be able to get caught up. I notice moves done in government, that are totally evil and are only happening because the person doing it has a Reptilian soul, such as the Intelligence agency lying to the Supreme Court about the rules they are following on FISA Warrants. It seems as though everyone involved knows what’s going on and knows nothing will be done to anyone, just pure evil I guess.
I want to thank everyone again for getting a soul report. I have over 80 emails and most of them soul reports. Being a one man show, I am totally overwhelmed and figure to get like 10 days behind. I have to take breaks and do other stuff to keep my sanity. My PC chair broke and I bought a new one and it hurts my back, so I have to take it back and buy a better one. Please be patient, I love you all and will do every report properly. Everyone is very spiritual so far, I’m impressed. I think we will change the world for the better and get in the Golden Age, even though the people with Reptilian souls are trying hard to stop it. I went and got my new PC chair and it cost me about 9 soul reports LOL, but I got a real nice comfortable one. My guides have shut off Skype for awhile till I catch up with soul reports. I’m up to 91 emails now after I had to assemble my new chair, it was real hard and wore me out some, especially after carrying the huge heavy box up a flight of stairs.
Thank you to all the people who have ordered a soul report. I will do all the them properly, but my guides have insisted I do them in the order received. Because of my recent interview they are coming in much faster than I can do them properly, with my disability. I will stay on it till I catch up and let you know how far I’m behind in these New Posts. If you can’t stand the wait, you could always give me a call, rather than send extra emails. On my first interview, I think I got about 10 days behind, so be patient and be kind, I won’t miss you as I get an email and PayPal record of you order. Sometimes they are delivered in your junk mail, so please look there too.
It seems as though a lot of people, watched my interview with Alfred Lambremont Webre on facebook. Many of you have donated for a Soul Report and since I can’t do them all at once (I wish I could LOL), it will be a little while till I catch up, I’m doing them in the order they came, with the exception of those that donated more than the minimum or the most will get their report first. I want to thank everyone for their support of my work. I can do about 8 to 12 soul reports a day if I’m free for the whole day. So far about 8 people have ordered one as of 8:30AM my time.
My interview with Alfred was rescheduled to Feb. 14, 2018 at 2 PM, because contractors unexpectedly cut the power to his house, I wonder why this happened. Here is a couple mini soul readings Edward Snowden: soul score 11, is about 10% done with his cycle of 3rd density, has 4x a whole lot of bad karma, has 2x a whole lot of good karma. Glenn Greenwald: soul score 11, is about 20% done with his cycle of 3rd density, has 3x a whole lot of bad karma, has 3x a whole lot of good karma. So who do you think these guys are working for, I get the deep state. Jirka Rysavy – the owner of Gaia TV has a Reptilian soul with a soul score of 6, so be careful even though Wanderers and Starseeds have shows there, I wonder what information he blocks, probably zionism and planet X.
Archons and AI are the same thing. Archons get involved in the software and can control it. This is how AI can learn and make choices. Archons are 42% polarized negative, 26% polarized positive and 32% is unpolarized, so AI can do positive things. Archons are a form of low souls, they do not ever have a body, they can never possess anyone and they do not have empathy for others. Archons cannot go to 4th density, since they are low souls. What I’m being told is, we will first see the brown dwarf star in Nov. or Dec. 2018 and in Feb. 2019 one of its major planets will crash into and merge with Jupiter, causing it to light up as a star. Then on the spring equinox March 21, 2019 our solar system will move into 4th density and the brown dwarf star system will be gone, since it won’t go to 4th density.
The people with Reptilian souls are spraying chemtrails to block the spiritual energy that will cause our solar system to move into 4th density, so they think. Enough energy is getting through keeping most of us positive enough, that if it were to happen right now, about 5 billion of us would go, maybe 5.1 billion. I’m told to go one needs a soul score of about 40 or higher and other factors are important too or one doesn’t get to go. Living things with a low soul, like Reptiles (or a Reptilian soul), Insects, Spiders, worms, Fungus, Mushrooms, most weeds, grains, an unnamed plant group not on Earth and bad Microbes, Viruses and Parasites can not go.
About the earliest we could go is this years fall equinox September 21, 2018 or maybe we go in 2019. A soul group will go to the 4th density after completing the 3rd cycle and having population of about 4 billion or higher, the population of other soul groups within our solar system count to. I’m told there are positive Mammal soul groups on Venus (750 million), 2 on Mars (550 million & 300,000) and an Aquatic Mammal group on Earth that is mostly negative, but about 20% of their around 700,000 population would make it to 4th density. All of these other groups have completed the needed 3 cycles.
My 4th interview with Alfred Lambremont Webre was rescheduled to Feb 7, 2018 because he got hacked, but I felt I was very ready to do well with a lot of good information. I’m having trouble keeping up with emails on my 2 accounts, remember I’m a one man show with a head injury, but I do work most of the day at it. The president (or whatever) of Michigan State Univ. (has Reptilian soul) stepped down because of sexual abuse problems, the Reptilians are being outed.
I was reading over this article about the police and court rulings. Well I get every time it’s the police and judge has a Reptilian soul, the law is changed for them. Every single member of the supreme court has a Reptilian soul, so forget about getting a fair ruling there on anything important. I’m sure they will do some things right to give us the illusion of them being impartial. It’s the same thing with the criminal immigrants they have a Reptilian soul and so does law enforcement, so the police are told not to arrest them. Someone needs to make a device that can see them, like in the movie “They Live” so the crowds can go serve them LOL. Many politicians have a Reptilian soul, so the law doesn’t apply to them. People have been seeing this but here is why, they have the same evil soul and they are both crooked. Humanity must find a way to rise up and stop them.
Do you still have a microwave? Put your cellphone in it, close the door, but don’t turn it on. Now call your cellphone. If it rings, that’s bad, it means your microwave isn’t sealed properly and it leaks radiation. Microwaves are bad to use anyway it screws up the food molecules, so now you have another excuse not to use it. I had already quit using mine and I found out it leaks radiation too, but my wife wants to keep using it, what can I do.
I just read David Wilcock’s latest article and I’m told he has ascension wrong. When we get the sun flash that he and others are talking about, our solar system will move into 4th density, the 5th dimension (the 5th dimension is another component of time), but this is planetary ascension, not individual ascension and we keep going to complete our cycles to make individual ascension to the 5th density. Most people with Human souls, Wanderers and Starseeds will make planetary ascension, one doesn’t need to be polarized positive, but if one is polarized negative or close to it, one don’t make it and is moved elsewhere. The elites that aren’t Human (and they know it) and a few other evil non Humans all have Reptilian souls (3 different kinds) and they can’t go even if they are polarized positive. Reptilians, Insect-people and Spider-people or people with Human bodies and Reptilian souls have what I call low souls (no empathy for others) and they can’t go to 4th density, they will be moved elsewhere I’m told. Only Mammal, Bird or Vegetable souls as people can go to 4th density. Many Wanderers have Bird souls and a few Wanderers (like myself) have Vegetable souls. Planetary ascension is likely in late 2018 or in 2019.
When we get there only half of the 18 main DNA lines go also. The other half have low souls and die off. So we will or can have the following animals, Mammals, Birds, Fish & major sea life (like squid, shrimp etc) and an unnamed animal group (not now on Earth). We will have the following plants, Flowers, Trees, Vegetables and Grasses (includes herbs and ferns). We will also have the good Microbes (some are plants and some are animals). We won’t have Reptiles, Insects, Spiders (and similar bugs) Worms, Mushrooms, Fungus, Weeds and an unnamed plant group (not now on Earth). We also won’t have the bad Microbes (includes parasites) and Viruses.
To make individual ascension one must have a soul (not a low soul), complete a cycle (25,920 years on Earth) in either 3rd or 4th density (or some of both) and be polarized positive. Only about 8% of us have completed a cycle and are polarized positive and another 4% of us have completed a cycle, but are not polarized positive. Humans and Starseeds can make ascension, Wanderers do not ascend they stay and complete their contract and then go to the 7th density. Wanderers are 6th density souls and made ascension to the 5th density 1,000s of years ago. Individual ascension is 2021 to 2025 on the fall equinox when the age of Pisces ends and the age of Aquarius starts.
Many people are writing about moving into 4th density. So let me tell you about what I’ve been told. Right now we are in the 1st realm, 3rd density, 4th dimension (the 4th dimension is a component of consciousness). Hopefully in 2019, we will move into the 2nd realm, 4th density, 5th dimension (the 5th dimension is a component of time). Realms and densities are about the same with different numbers. In the 1st realm is the first 3 densities, in the 2nd realm is the 4th density, in the 3rd realm is the 5th density and on up to the 7th realm is the 9th density.
3rd density has the 3rd & 4th dimensions, 4th density has the 5th through the 10th dimensions, we will be going to the 5th dimension and every cycle we can move up to the next higher dimension if we are positive and stop at the 10th dimension. There are 28 dimensions in our universe, more on that on another page. Each planet can be in the 3rd or the 4th density not both, but every planet can also have the 5th through the 9 densities, but some of them may be empty as Earth’s 9th density is empty.
There are 18 main lines of DNA, 9 have souls and 9 have what I call a low soul, because it doesn’t have empathy for others. 3rd density has all 18 lines of DNA, while 4th density only has the 9 lines that have souls. The 9 lines are the animals-Mammals, Birds, Fish (includes major sea life like squid and shrimp) and an unnamed animal group not now on Earth. The plants are Flowers, Trees, Vegetables and Grasses (includes herbs & ferns). There are also the good Microbes, some are animals and some are plants.
What we won’t have is Animals-Reptiles, Insects, Spiders and Worms, Plants-Grains, Mushrooms, Fungus and many Weeds, I may be missing a plant group. We also get rid the bad Microbes and Viruses. The good news here is we get rid of the evil people with Reptilian souls, that are sort of controlling humanity.