

You are missing something very important. To be a pedophile, enjoy and want it, one must have a different kind of soul. I call it a low soul, and in Earth’s case it’s a Reptilian soul, but it could be a soul from an Insect-person, or from a Spider-person. They all have low souls, and low souls do not have empathy for others.
Long ago, about about 7,200 years, Draconian Reptilian geneticists came to Earth and created Humans that had their soul instead of a Human soul, and made about 24 of them. They look the same as us, but have a Reptilian soul. When a female with a Reptilian soul has children, the children will get the same kind of soul as her Reptilian soul, regardless of whether the father has a Human soul or a Reptilian soul.

They soon multiplied, and there were many of them. They were appointed to leadership positions – kings, queens, high priests, and other important positions.
Since they don’t have empathy for others, they are very prone to evil. When they rape children, especially aged before puberty, they receive a very pleasurable energy, and that is why they do it, and why people with Human souls seldom do it – they don’t get this energy. This is why child trafficking goes on, these people have lots of money and want this energy rush.

Today I’m told there are about 1.25 million of these people with Reptilian souls.  They are in mostly leadership positions or have good government or corporation jobs, some are in entertainment or religion clergy. They are high up in, about 90% of the world governments. They are the CEOs of all the big corporations, and control Industry, Religions, Media, Finance, Entertainment etc. and own about 80% of all the money on Earth. Since they control law enforcement they themselves are ‘above the law’. They are high-court judges, and therefore control the courts in their favor. This is why they will seldom be arrested and put in prison.
They can tell each other apart from people with Human souls, while the people with Human souls don’t know what is going on, but I have figured it out with my God-given ability to read souls. My website is – .