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My name is Tara Bonds.

My Contact information:


I’m a Medium, Intuitive, Empath, Clairvoyant, Clairaudient, Clairsentient, Claircognizant, and Telepathic psychic.
I have been spiritually gifted since my childhood and growing up into adulthood. I was a Christian for 28 years until I went through a very difficult Awakening. Through my awakening experience, I was able to build a stronger connection with God and myself. My journey was not an easy but it was well-worth it.
My mission and life purpose is to help, lead, and teach others along their path.


Spiritual Gifts Description Below:


I as a medium, A person who uses their psychic abilities to communicate with people who are in the spirit world (died). Mediums are the mediators between those in the spirit world and those in the living. They provide a three-way communication channel: from spirit-to-medium-to-recipient. The communicators that a medium connects with can be relatives, friends, guides or someone in spirit who knew someone connected to the recipient and wishes a message passed on to them.

Clairvoyance: Means clear seeing

This is when visions past, present and future flash through our mind’s eye, or third eye, much like a daydream or vision.

Clairaudience: Means clear hearing

This is when we hear words, sounds or music in our own mind’s voice. On rare occasions, spirit may be able to create audible sound, though this takes a tremendous amount of focused energy.

Clairsentience: Means clear feeling

This entails feeling a person’s or spirit’s emotions or feeling another’s physical pain.

Clairgustance: means clear tasting

This is the ability to taste something that isn’t actually there.

Life Purpose/Your Gifts Reading:

This reading will guide you to understand your life purpose and what spiritual gifts you have. I’ll explain each gift how to use them.


The Ability to sense others pain.

Intuitive means:

All Psychic Abilities placed into one reading.


Which is the direct communication of thoughts and feelings between people’s minds, without the need to use speech, writing, or any other normal signals.

Spiritual Mentoring: 

Spiritual mentoring means investing time with you on your spiritual growth, knowledge, new skills taught, provide guidance, and wisdom for decision-making. Mentoring also teaches accountability in the ways we engage with ourselves and the world around us.


I’d like Thank Gary Carslon for giving me this opportunity to be on this website by allowing me to share my gifts and teach others. I also Thank him for all the help and insight he has provided me with.



I’d like to thank God for leading me down this path, without God I wouldn’t be where I am today!


“There is no chance, no destiny, no fate, that can hinder or control the firm resolve of a determined soul.”– Ella Wheeler Wilcox


God bless All,
Tara Bonds