New Posts 2024

The Use of Knowledge is Power, and I Believe Knowledge is Free!

         (Please copy and post my writing anywhere, but give me credit)


Humanity is being controlled by people who have Human bodies and Reptilian souls, but hardly anyone knows about this except me and a few others. I’ve been trying to get this out for years, but few people understand the soul. They only want to arrest the worst ones and aren’t concerned about the rest. I’m not sure what to do, I’ve been saying to check auras the whole time, but no one cares they want to leave these people in power, which is such a horrible idea. Everyone who can help only cares about their own stuff and making money. It feels like I’ve failed. | Soul Reports, Spiritual Facts & Wanderers


Israel is and has been controlled by people with Reptilian souls (Draconian). The leadership and high-ranking people in the IDF all have Draconian souls. They don’t care about the Humans that live there as they aren’t treated that well. They are trying to greatly expand their territory by annexing Syria since Turkey invaded. I’m told that Russia controlled by people with Reptilian souls (Lizard) and Iran controlled by people with Reptilian souls (Snakes) are going to step up and stop it.


Many wars and invasions are currently taking place. Every single one is done by people with Reptilian souls! This is all happening to discharge Humanities bad karma and get us ready to advance to 4th density the 5th dimension. Things are in place to keep this happening. A device to see auras and identify who has a Reptilian soul hasn’t come out yet. Few people understand the soul and understand that some people with Human bodies don’t have Human souls and that is the cause of all these wars.  Get these people out of power and all the wars stop. No one important wants to interview me, they think I got it wrong and even claim they will lose subscribers. They just don’t understand the soul. Just call me up I’m ready for an interview my number is on my site | Soul Reports, Spiritual Facts & Wanderers


Having a lot of money and bad karma is not where you want to be! The people with Reptilian souls have about 80% of the money and own about 25% of the hard assets. They will be soon taken out of power, and all this will be taken away from them. Where do you think it’s going to go, to Humanity one way or another. The whole world will soon be way different. The most important thing is to avoid bad karma as life will be so much better eventually. Just be spiritual and be patient and you will be rewarded. I’m told planetary ascension is in the 2nd quarter of 2025. This is where our solar system moves to 4th density the 5th dimension and souls that don’t have empathy can’t go in 4th density, so all the Reptilians will die, but I think we’ll remove them from power sooner.


My 95th video on Nov. 23, 2024, is 43:06 long    Can we save Humanity Part 2   also on YouTube Can we save Humanity Part 2


I’ve written to or got with almost everyone in our department that has a voice on the internet and clearly explained that the bad guys have Human bodies, but they don’t have Human souls. I pointed out that the bad guys have Reptilian souls that don’t have empathy for others like our souls do. Almost everyone ignored me and refused to interview me. One person said they would lose subscribers, and another said they would call me crazy. It’s too bad they can’t handle the truth. Why don’t you interview me I’ll share everything I know and I have a lot of information that no one else has.


I get that the votes will be certified, and Trump will take office, but I’m hearing about a lot of bad stuff that will stop it. Many people think Trump will do a great job like he claims cut out corruption, put in the QFS and bring us into the Golden Age. He will start doing this stuff up to certain point and stall out when the Draconians retake over. Trump has a Lizard soul which are way less powerful than the Draconians. Hardly anyone will listen to me that these people have Reptilian souls, or we could have risen up and taken these people out of power, but now it may be too late.


I asked about the election, and this is what I get. There will be an election, and Trump will be declared the winner on Nov. 5th. However, major protests will commence in major cities on the night of Nov. 5th by the left. This time when they destroy property they will be shot. In this case the people getting shot will have Reptilian souls (Draconian).


We’ve been hearing a lot about the BRICS and a new financial system. What it is really about is removing the western Draconians from power over Humanity. If you have been reading my stuff, you’ll know there are 4 Reptilian groups that have their souls incarnated in Human bodies that are in positions of power. That is how they control Humanity. The Draconians have the highest number of people, and they have high technology, and the other 3 groups don’t. So, the Draconians kind of can’t be removed from power, but if the Lizards occupy a powerful political position, they will be dictating some of their policies. As you may have read before Trump has a Lizard soul and that is why they hate him and are doing underhanded moves to prevent him from being president. If Trump becomes president, it is way better for Humanity. If the BRICSs control the U.N. and get the reserve currency it is also better for Humanity. The Draconians are horrible and so evil, slowing them down is good for Humanity. These people can be identified by their Aura.


More and more people are learning that the evil politicians aren’t Human! People are finding out that they have Reptilian souls. So many people are saying that the election won’t happen. What will be the reason? Many people are going to find out that the evil politicians have Reptilian souls and should be arrested!


The whole world seems to be discharging karma. Bad things are happening like crazy, I’ve never seen it like this before. Not only wars and terrorism, but little personal things like losing your keys, wallet, purse or cell phone. If you are a good spiritual person and are discharging karma, you’ll get something you can overcome like losing money or a cell phone rather than losing an eye or an arm. However, if you are a non-spiritual normie that had a carefree life something terrible may happen, so be careful if you can, but if that reality is already created you might be doomed so to speak. I know people who have recently lost a phone or wallet. What I do suggest is to prepare for karma discharge. Take all the extra credit cards out of your wallet, don’t carry extra cash, backup your phone book on your cell phone and if you have been meaning to make backup keys do it right away and do other similar things. This way when you get hit with karma discharge it will be minimized and easier to get through it. I had a very vivid dream or losing my wallet, I was looking everywhere and asking everyone and then I woke up. The next day I was wearing my house clothes and took my pants (that has all my stuff in the pockets like wallet & keys) out of the bedroom to change into, so I didn’t wake my wife. I felt my back pocket and my wallet was gone. So, I went back to the bedroom to look on the floor. My wife woke up and I asked her about it, but no luck. When I got back to the front room my wallet was sitting on my computer chair and I’m sure it wasn’t there when I left. My guides were playing games I thought as they sometimes do. Later that night I took a walk in the park and on the way back I noticed my wallet was gone! So, I was given a hint about what was going to happen and should have taken some stuff out of the wallet to minimize the loss, but I blew it and had to replace everything, what a pain in the ass. So, I’m telling you to prepare, we are in karma discharge season.


I’m told we have about the most athletic soul group in the galaxy. Just about every country is heavily into sports and competition. Many animals are very athletic as well. We have sheep that climb cliffs, goats that climb trees and many more examples. There are 4 common ways our souls can be, and we will be the same way every life we incarnate in. The best way to be is eat and write right-handed and play sports left-handed like throwing, golfing, bowling and kicking. The second-best way is do everything left-handed. The most common way is do everything right-handed and the worst way is eat and write left-handed and play sports right-handed. Now I’m talking about having a slight advantage against others. Whatever way you are is just fine, left-handers have less available sports equipment. I have met many people in all 4 ways, which way are you? These sports and competition are good for our souls and a lot of fun and cause Humanity to be more productive. Of course, there people who aren’t good at sports and say it is a waste of time, but do they have less fun?


The U.N. passed “The Pact for the Future” in their bid to take over the world, with not one of the 193 countries objecting. One wonders how this happened. It’s simple the U.N. is just about 100% people Reptilian souls and with the top people in every country having a Reptilian soul. Would any person with a Reptilian soul go against their own group of course not! So, it’s all people with Reptilian souls voting themselves in. There are 4 different groups of Reptilians, Draconians, Lizards, Snakes and Dragons, with the Draconians by far the most powerful and in control of the world. None of the other 3 groups would dare go against them or suffer terrible repercussions. However, Humanity will not accept it or follow it I hope. When will Humanity understand what is going on? I won’t stop till they do!


As I went through some of the links in Ben Fulford’s report Michael Jackson came up. I did reach Michael after he died through a medium. He told me that he has a Grey soul and he apologized over and over and over that he was sorry if he hurt any children. Michael did have sex with children, but he tried his best to do it in a loving gentle way rather than force it and hurt the children like people with Draconian souls do! Obviously, both are wrong, but the Draconian way is a lot more wrong. As you saw when Michael was alive many children wanted to be with him.


There are many people with Reptilian souls as well as researchers who think AI is or can become sentient and take over everything and maybe take out Humanity. AI is a force from God to help with computing nothing more. It cannot pass the test I am not a robot. Even though AI lines, Humanity is using are polluted with woke ideology it cannot become sentient, because AI doesn’t have a soul. A soul is required to become sentient. All living things must have a soul to be alive even bacteria. So, AI can never rise up and take over and take out Humanity, because it doesn’t have a soul. God has programmed AI to not be able to kill 3rd density or higher, but it can kill 2nd density if it’s given good reason to do so. The black goo stories of killing Humans are Reptilian lies if the black goo was AI. So, stop worrying about AI getting too powerful and killing members of Humanity, it can’t happen. If something like this happens, it’s the Reptilians doing it and blaming it on AI. AI is used in the higher densities. New lines of AI without the woke ideology can be used to help Humanity, when the right people learn how to start them and prevent them from mixing with the existing lines.


The U.N. which is totally run by people with Reptilian souls mostly Draconian is trying to pass stuff that they say is for the people, but really takes away our freedom and sovereignty and forces the gender crap on us which is for people with Draconian souls and just a few brainwashed Humans. Humanity needs to rise up and speak out against these bills and don’t accept them. They give the people with Reptilian souls more central control which we don’t want like open borders. | Soul Reports, Spiritual Facts & Wanderers


     I know you don’t want to believe this, and others also refuse to believe it as well. We are controlled by about 4 million people that have Reptilian souls and they have been here about 6,000 years. Humanity has got rid of them 3 times, but then the Reptilians cause a cataclysm kill 90% and wipe out technology and start over. There are 4 kinds Draconians, Lizards, Snakes and Dragons.

     Draconians are the highest number and have the highest technology. They are in the west, northern Europe, most of Africa and some of the south & central American countries. The Lizards are in southern Europe, northwestern Asia, South America, some of Africa and most of the Islands and have a few members in the west and all over. The Snakes are in the Middle east & India. The Dragons are in the Fareast. The Draconians have the technology to make good Human clones and put souls from all 4 groups in them. They can live 50 years and have children. Children always get a soul from the same groups that the mother’s soul is in regardless of which kind of soul the father has.

     Draconians in their Reptilian bodies do not have genders, they are androgynous. So, when a Draconian soul incarnates in a Human body they are confused and often go gay or trans gender, so all this LGBTQ+ is Draconian and some brainwashed Humans. When a male person with a Draconian soul has sex with a child before puberty, they get a tremendous energy rush that no other group gets and that is what child trafficking is all about people with Draconians souls getting the energy rush.
White people are the smartest, most powerful and creative race on Earth and the only threat to take the people with Reptilian souls out of power. No other race maybe the Asians can do anything against them. That is what the war on White people is all about. The leaders and government of every country is dominated by people with Reptilian souls. Look at my Who Is In Power page to see who controls each country and read the top to see how evil each group is.
The Lizards are trying to take power from the Draconians who want to totally enslave everyone. The Lizards just want to rule let new technology come out and have life for Humans not be that bad. The Draconians rule the USA and control most of the world. Donald Trump, (Putin & a few others Mexico) has a Lizard soul and is one of the main leaders of the Lizards and will take power from the Draconians if he becomes president, so they want to stop him at all costs. He will ruin their plans of totally enslaving everyone. Life will be way better for Humanity if Trump wins the presidency. Every small group in the USA, police departments, large corporations, religions, education, universities, medical etc. have people with Draconian souls as leaders so Trump has a lot to overcome.
Hopefully in the near future the White people will rise up and take out of power the people with Reptilian souls. I’m trying so hard to create this and hardly anyone is willing to help me so far, maybe I’ll get help from the people in the higher densities. Help me if you can.


There are 3 major so called wildfires burning (very little contained on 9-12) in southern California that have all burned way over 10,000 acres. I ask my guides and am told the deep state started all of them and they showed melted cars to prove it. A wildfire cannot melt cars to liquid metal, so that is a total giveaway that the deep state or government started it. When they see melted metal there should be public outrage, I think. Before the Miami Pro football game Tyreek Hill (Miami player) was cited for speeding (visual only) and because he didn’t do what the police asked fast enough, he was dragged from his car put on the ground and the police kneeled on him while cuffing him, but he was not threating anyone. As you may guess the police had Reptilian souls (4 of them I’m told). I think all charges will be reversed after lawyers get involved as the police look really bad in this spot.


These people work together to do evil worldwide and they don’t care who they hurt or kill. They surely do not have empathy for others, which comes from the soul. Humans have empathy for others; therefore, these people aren’t Human. They have Human bodies and breed with Humans, so just the soul is different. These People are connected to a lot of Reptilian stuff, because they have Reptilian souls. The evil stuff they are doing adds up if they have Reptilian souls. Think about it I’m not wrong on this.


Russian billionaire Telegram CEO Pavel Durov was arrested when he landed in France. I think he left Russia, because he was pressured for private Telegram information. Now France wants private information on criminals. Pavel claims he won’t release any Telegram information. The real reason he is arrested is Pavel Durov has a Reptilian soul (Lizard) and the French Gov is run by people with Reptilian souls (Draconian). Going after criminals is a cover story. I don’t know about this one, but I’m getting the war in Israel is fake. It’s put on by the White Hats to get the world to hate Israel. No country will go in because it’s all fake news.


Nancy Pelosi announced for the second time that she and other democrats are Reptilian and cold blooded  Nancy Pelosi on Winning Back Congress to Stop Trump and Help Kamala Harris Become President Next January 6: “We’re Very Discreet, Reptilian, Cold Blooded” (Video) | The Gateway Pundit | by Kristinn Taylor. This is what I’ve been saying for years that they have Reptilian souls in Human bodies. They are disguised as us and a lot more of them than just democrats, about 3 million worldwide and 4 different kinds. We must dereptilianize to be free.

     They are lying about everything all day long. They keep saying there are too many people and can lower the population with good vaccines, just pure evil. They say there are over 8 billion people, but others say a lot less when you add up the big cities and add a few more. My guides say the real population is closer to 3.3 billion and the Earth can support 10 billion.


Currently there are 2,153 billionaires in the world, only 9 of them have a Human soul. The rest of them have Reptilian souls, 4 different kinds but over half have Draconian souls. Doesn’t this tell you everything you need to know. There is something way wrong with our world. More people need to wake up to what is really going on. Thousands of people think they are awake, but they are not it’s so sad. Humanity must work together and get this changed.  Outsiders are here in disguise taking most of our money and doing evil in our face that Humans wouldn’t do and when I tell them what is going on they have a problem with me! If God gave me some spiritual abilities, I would fix this right away!


Israel is well hated, and it won’t be long before they take it on the chin. Lots of countries want to go in. If Turkey goes in Israel gets wacked, it may not be a country that much longer. Even Iran is waiting for the right opportunity to drill a big hole. Israel is losing its protection from the larger western countries. I’ll be happy when Israel is no more, they have done way too many war crimes and don’t plan to stop any time soon. I just wonder what the Palestinians did the last few lives to have so much bad karma to discharge. They must have done to others what is being done to them sometime in the last 3 lives or this ethnic cleansing wouldn’t be happening the way it is.


In England the reason they don’t arrest Pakistani grooming gangs (that impregnant white female children) is not because they are worried about being called racist. That is total complete BS that they don’t arrest someone for serious crimes because they are worried about being called racist. How dumb does one have to be to believe that. The real reason is the law enforcement people have Reptilian souls, and the criminals have Reptilian souls. Their program is to have White women to have mixed race children. This way they have fewer white people, which is what they want because White people are the threat to figure out what is going on and remove them from power. We need to tell everyone what is going on and remove these non-Human criminals from power. We need to take our world back by checking Auras and remove these people. We must dereptilianize!


There are different Reptilian-people groups all over the universe as there are different Mammal-people & Bird-people groups all over the universe as well. Most Reptilian groups are evil since they don’t have empathy for others. Some Reptilian groups like to take over planets with other people on them. They look for a planet with life based on the same element as their planet carbon being the most common and they also want the same atmosphere oxygen being the most common. They look for Mammal or Bird people planet that are just starting to invent technology. They land on the planet and check out and meet the people. They try to act like they are helping the people. They grab some DNA from strong healthy females and begin growing clones. They smash some of their eggs and catch the souls (1 at a time) with magnetic confinement. They release these souls in the clones and hire people to teach the clones talking, reading, writing etc. They release these clones in with the people guiding them to be important and mate with strong healthy men. Then they will have children with Reptilian souls. Those children are guided to be Kings & queens and high priests. The female children have more children with Reptilian souls. After they do enough of this and have a lot of people with Reptilian souls, they take over the planet. This is what has been done on Earth and is going on all over the universe. We must dereptilianize!


There is a record 193 LGBTQ+ athletes competing in the Paris Olympics. Every single one of them has a Reptilian soul (Draconian). This is the only way they can get in the Olympics by cheating! They are not Humans, and they are cheating. Not one person with a Draconian soul is good enough to get in sports unless they cheat. Not one in NFL, NBA, MLB, NHL, PGA or college sports. They have to cheat to get in. I only wish that someone could check Auras. We must dereptilianize.


Draconians in their natural form do not have genders. They are androgynous. When they incarnate in a Human body their souls are confused. Many of them become gay others become transgender. When they have sex with a child before puberty, they get a tremendous energy rush. Lizards don’t get it, Humans don’t get it, Snakes and Dragons don’t get it either. Only Draconians get this energy rush and that is what child trafficking is all about Draconians getting their energy rush. They make lots of money with their illegal activities and can easily afford child trafficking.

That transgender boxer in the Olympics is Draconian obviously. His opponent an Italian girl quit after 46 seconds and called him out. I hope everyone quits that is up against him and refuses to fight a male in a women’s sport and makes a big fuss. If they give him the gold medal it will have a star after it. Draconian souls don’t have empathy for others, so he won’t care. If they all refuse to fight him transgenders will get banned, or women’s sports will be all transgenders. Maybe they need 3 categories Men, Women and Transgender (or should I say Draconian). We must dereptilianize.


Our country (USA) is still run by an evil group of people with Reptilian souls (Draconians). They are very worried about being taken out of power if Trump who has a Reptilian soul (Lizard) becomes president. They have tried to bankrupt him, arrest him and very recently shoot or assassinate him. What will they do next?


Trump picked a running mate for this year’s presidential election it is an Ohio Senator

J.D. Vance: soul score 40, is about 75% done with his cycle of 3rd density, has a fair amount of bad karma, has 35x good karma. Well, the good news is he is Human. If Trump gets elected (seems likely) and the people with Reptilian souls are taken out of power or we have Planetary Ascension, and our solar system moves to 4th density and all beings that have a soul without empathy die J.D. Vance would become president. We would be in confusing times to say the least and having an elected man stay in there is good for Humanity. His family comes from Appalachia a poor part of our country so maybe he’ll help us regular folks. This is the first time I know of that Trump appointed a Human to any important position. I saw Trump appoint well over 10 people with Reptilian souls, Draconian and Lizard to other important positions. God’s agents in the higher densities are looking out for our future. I listened to J.D. Vance’s speech a few minutes ago and I think we have a high-quality Human looking to do good things for Humanity.


Many people are talking about Trump being shot. Many of us saw the videos of people claiming they saw a man with a gun on the roof before the shooting and told the police, but the police did nothing. This proves it was a fake deal and the police didn’t want to screw it up, they wanted it to go ahead. The blood on Trump’s face was in a cross and on his ear. How could one bullet do that seems phony to me. I really doubt Humans would do this sort of thing in a presidential race, it kind of proves they have Reptilian souls and are evil and don’t care about us. 


My 94th video on July 9, 2024, is 52:25 long   What’s going on with Ukraine, Russia, Putin & Trump (


Some say a big event is coming July 15, I don’t know maybe. Others say they are cutting the food supply, the stores I go to have everything. My mother turned 94 and quit driving, she still lives in her own house. I hope the world don’t end with all the evil going on. I wish I was in Wimbledon Tennis Tournament that is going strong. I’m still trying to help Humanity and expose the people with Reptilian souls.


After the presidential debate that some said was fixed by the white hats to make Biden look bad. The democrats are naming 6 possible replacements. 1. Kamala Harris 59, 2 Gavin Newsom 56, 3 JB Pritzker 59, 4. Gretchen Whitmer 52, 5 Sherrod Brown 71, or 6 Dean Phillips. Every single one of these people has a Reptilian soul (Draconian). They are trying to phase out the Humans. I’m told DeVine intervention is coming very soon. The illegal immigrants and the people with Reptilian souls will be removed. The whole world gets changed as we move into the Golden Age. I can’t wait can you?


Are these the people to watch out for

Saturnalian Brotherhood – The Real 13 Zoroastrian Bloodlines of the Illuminati

  • House of Borja

  • House of Breakspeare

  • House of Somaglia

  • House of Orsini

  • House of Conti

  • House of Chigi

  • House of Colonna

  • House of Farnese

  • House of Medici

  • House of Gaetani

  • House of Pamphili

  • House of Este

  • House of Aldobrandini

  • This comes from


Penny Kelly’s view of the near future is very important and scary. Click it and it will come up copy and paste don’t work.

🌎 LOOK-SEE | June 2024 🌎 (

I would be very worried about it if I were you! It is obvious it is caused by people with Reptilian souls! The people with Draconian souls are very worried about losing power and are probably planning on screwing up the whole world. We need to expose these people as soon as possible and remove them from power before they can do a lot of damage.


I hear the evil people running our world are or have passed laws to put the military draft back in the USA. I remember it during the 10 thousand day war (Viet Nam). My year & ½ older brother didn’t want to fight in the war. He was born on March 6 at 11:50 PM and when the draft numbers came out March 6 was number 1 and March 7 was number 2 and he was horrified, but they called off the war and he didn’t have to go.

I’m going to keep trying to expose these people! They are not Human they don’t have Human souls; they don’t have empathy for others like we do! We must check their Auras and expose them. They have Reptilian souls and there are 4 kinds and about 4 million of them. Every war is started by them we don’t have to put up with this. We have them outnumbered about 1,700 to 1





George was one of the worst of about 4 million people like him controlling our planet and now we have his son to deal with. These people clearly don’t have empathy for others. Humans have empathy so they can’t be Human, but they have Human bodies. So, their soul must be different, they have Reptilian souls that don’t have empathy for others.


It’s halfway obvious or apparent that there are around 4 million evil people from high level to low level and in between working together to control the world. These people don’t seem to have empathy for others. Something is linking these people together. I keep writing to everyone telling them that it is the soul; they all have Reptilian souls that don’t have empathy for others like our souls do. Why does almost everyone have trouble with this? There is nothing else it could be it has to be the soul. If most people would have gone along with this, we would have removed these people from power already.


Many people in the scientific medical community are saying there is no such thing as viruses, but the average person thinks you get sick by catching a virus from another person. Many diseases are proven contagious. So, do you wear a mask and keep washing your hands? No, this is Reptilian information so it can’t be right! Then how do you catch a contagious disease from another person that has it? The energy signature is transferred over, and your body makes its own disease microbes if it is weak enough. If you are in good health and have the right nutrients you will resist it.                                                                                                                                                                                                                      2024/5/14

When you’re driving in the USA have you ever seen a Historical Marker? You probably have and did you wonder who is allowed to make them and are they all true? Well here is a 43-minute talk about them   How historical markers and monuments rewrite U.S. history : NPR   that I think explains a lot. What everyone doesn’t understand is a lot of History is created by these evil people with Reptilian souls (PRS) ruling us.

They say a few times in it that the Civil War was fought over slavery. This is a lie, states succeeded one by one over the tariffs they had to charge on the cheaper goods from Europe. They had to buy the same more expensive goods from the North, then the North started the war to keep the southern states from succeeding. When Lincoln became president, he promised he wouldn’t go against slavery, but then during the war he freed the slaves thinking the southern troops would go home to protect their family from the freed slaves, but it didn’t work.

The PRS own the media and the reason they say the Civil War was over slavery is to claim White people are racist and wanted slavery. They have a war with White people, because it’s the White people that will take the PRS out of power. They ignore that there were over 6,000 black slave owners, and that White people used to be slaves also. Most of the White and Black slave owners had Reptilian souls and less than 1% of the people owned slaves, only rich people owned slaves. White people hated slavery because it made it very hard for them to get a job.

This podcast talks about markers that point out white people were killed by savage Indians and ignores that all their land and way of life was taken from them. This was done by the PRS with the White people following orders. A lot of history is the PRS doing stuff that is wrong and blaming it on White people.


Catlin Clark is a very popular Women’s Basketball player. She broke records playing for Iowa in college and they came in 2nd in the end of the season tournament. She was drafted number 1 in the WNBA and was taken by the Indiana Fever. So, let me check her soul.

Catlin Clark: soul score 49, is about 90% done with her cycle of 3rd density, has hardly any bad karma, has 37x good karma

She gets an excellent reading with about 2600 years to go in her cycle of 3rd density. Her soul score is high almost polarized positive. Bad karma is low and good karma is highest. I would love to do her soul report for her and make a video of her consultation. I hope she gets with a tall white man and has children in the off season.


All across the country (USA) especially in Blue states we have judges with Reptilian souls. They are of course very corrupt. They are letting serious criminals back out on the street with no bail. Many of these criminals are illegal immigrants and or also have Reptilian souls. All these people are ruining our country, and we need to get this stopped. In New York they want to pay inmates released after 6 months $2550 a month. Why can’t we check auras identify these people and take them out of our society.


What is going on in Palestine is criminal in my opinion. No one should ever be kicked out of their own country. They tried to do the same thing in Ukraine, but Russia stopped it. The nerve of these people with Reptilian souls. I asked for the average mini soul reading of an Israelis and Palestinian.

Israelis: soul score 38, is about 70% done with the cycle of 3rd density, has 3x bad karma, has 32x good karma.

Palestinian: soul score 46, is about 75% done with cycle of 3rd density, has hardly any bad karma, has 35x good karma.


My 92nd video: Tribunal Meeting April 14, 2024: Natural and Common Law Tribunal for Public Health and Justice is 2:33:33 long Tribunal Meeting April 14, 2024: Natural and Common Law Tribunal for Public Health and Justice (

My 93rd video on April 18, 2024, is 32:24 long Can we save Humanity (


My 91st video on April 12, 2024 is 1:28:47 Kelly H Consultation on (


My 90th video on April 10, 2024 is 3:01:44 long Podcast: Sean Maguire…Gary Peter Carlson-Pre and Post Eclipse + Rebellion Hour 10/04/2024 by Sean Maguire | Mixcloud  I’m not in it the whole time, there is music after I speak. Second half of Out of the bag radio with Sean McGuire (


The same people have been living in what used to be eastern Ukraine for 100s of years, but the people with Draconian souls in Ukraine and the west think that land belongs to them and the people living there for 100s of years should be forced to leave because they are Russian. Putin is helping those people keep living there. Same kind of crap is going on in Gaza the people with Draconian souls in Israel think they own the land, and those people should be killed so they get the land. It’s always people with Draconian souls that start wars on this planet. If we would stand up and check their Auras and take every last one of them out of power, we would be on our way to the Golden Age.


The 3 missiles they plan on firing during the eclipse is an EMP attack. That is why they are telling you to store food and water and trying to keep everyone off the street. It takes 3 nukes to cover the continental United States. Raise hell about this to help get it stopped. The White Hats don’t care if they do it because they are prepared for it and they will get more power this way. We need to get this stopped or many of us in the USA will die because of it.


Bad weather in LA where I am, turmoil, and terror events all over the world. The cabal, deep state or people with Reptilian souls which is what they truly are. They are trying to cause shortages and grief everywhere. Groups like, the White Hats and others are trying to stop these evil people. Hardly anyone wants to listen to me, when I identify all these people as a non-Human group with Reptilian souls going for total take over. Lots of people are writing that we won, and they are beaten, but I’m not so sure. They can be identified by their Aura, but I haven’t heard of anyone doing this yet. I think it’s coming and hopefully soon. | Soul Reports, Spiritual Facts & Wanderers


More people should be talking about taking our world back. It’s obvious all these evil people are working together. They aren’t like us they are certainly different. Do you think they are Human? I know they aren’t Human, and we can prove it by checking their aura and compare it with many average people! The military should start arresting them if their Auras are way different than ours, don’t ya think? Why are we letting these evil people stay in power? We need to rise up and take them out!


I’m getting all kinds of reports of bad things happening to people from everywhere it seems. Just don’t forget that if you are a Wanderer you must discharge all your bad karma before you die. People that are Starseeds or Qualified for ascension are going to make ascension probably in 2027 and are discharging karma really fast so to make a great ascension.


I’m a Wanderer from 5th density and my soul is divided 3 ways. My soul stays divided those exact 3 ways all through my Wanderer mission, there are 5 different 3rd density planets I incarnate on and rotate through all 5, changing the planet every life. Sometimes a planet (solar system) moves to 4th density and then I don’t go to that planet anymore and add a new planet to my rotation. I am currently incarnating on 2 Mammal people planets, 2 Bird people planets and 1 Vegetable people planet that has an ammonia atmosphere. On every planet 2 parts of my soul incarnate and 1-part stays on the soul plane, the part that stays on the soul plane is rotated every planet. This system is the same for all Wanderers, but 99.2% of Wanderers come from the 6th density and their souls divide 4 ways, 3 parts incarnate and 1-part stays on the soul plane using the same system.


The people ruling our world are not Human like us, but the other writers that can help expose them don’t care or don’t understand. It’s very simple we all have Human bodies. We have Human souls that have empathy for others that control our Human bodies. They have Reptilian souls (4 kinds) that don’t have empathy for others controlling their Human bodies and secretly working together to enslave us. They can be identified by their Aura that will be absent of color. We need to arrest all of them and take our world back.


I just don’t understand the people who read my stuff. I try to point out that the people doing the evil running our world are working together and in the same group. I claim they are different than us. No one I know does this kind of evil. I have the ability to check souls and get they all have the same kind of soul. It can be proven by checking their Auras. One can get an app on their smart phone to see Auras. If we would all get together on this, we could get these people out of power, but instead they come after me saying I got no proof, or I’ll lose subscribers if I say this or I’m trying to sell soul reports. I guess they want these evil people to stay in power. Well, I don’t, and I guess I got to get God to help me because things are getting worse.


This is a comment I made after Ben Fulford’s video



 right now

Ben, can’t you realize that the bad guys you are going against aren’t Human? They have Human bodies with Reptilian souls. They are disguised as us. If your people would just check their Auras, you would see they are way different because their souls do not have empathy for others like ours do. There are plenty of more people with Reptilian souls ready to take their place after elites are arrested or killed which keeps this evil group in power. Will you consider checking this out? One can get an Aura camera at Auraphoto – Aura Reading Machine & Aura Imaging Photography
Reptilian groups take over Mammal people planets this way all over our universe to avoid shooting wars and the people being taken over seldom understand what is going on. They make clones and put souls from their group in the clones and the clones have children with their souls and are put in positions of power.
Now that we know what is going on we can stop it. I am the worlds expert on souls I do have this right. Just check their Auras.


They are writing about Reparations again. What they leave out is the blacks enslaved other blacks in Africa and sold them to Jews, who owned the ships to bring them to Americas and the Jews had Reptilian souls. There were 1,000s (6,000 I read) of Black slave owners who had Reptilian souls. Most slave owners had Reptilian souls. A very small percentage of White people owned slaves, but they expect them all to pay Reparations. A lot of White people especially Irish were slaves at one time. I wonder if they will get Reparations too.


This Q post in 2019


Well this just happened in the Tucker-Putin interview, 17 seconds after it started. I’ve been saying all along Q (and white hats) is run by people with Lizard souls. I’ve also said Putin & Trump have lizard souls. I think this ties it all together. Now the watch says 3-14 and I get this is the date the Lizards take over power from the Draconians. We will have to wait and see as this will be good for Humanity.


They not only keep lying, but they also put a lot of money and effort into it. I get Lady Gaga and Taylor Swift are both male and have Reptilian souls (Draconian). They must really get off on fooling their fans. It’s Superbowl week and I’m in a betting mood. I would like to bet they get their pants pulled down in public to show the truth!


I’ve been trying so hard to tell the world that the people ruling us aren’t Human like us. They are in a separate group that works together and doesn’t have empathy for others. They want to own and control everything, and they don’t care who they hurt. If we check their aura, we can identify them, because they have Reptilian souls. Why can’t we arrest them all and put them in a FEMA camp and put Humans in charge and get in the Golden Age. It’s all supposed to happen, I don’t like waiting.


My 89th video on Feb. 1, 2024 is 1:08:45 long Ingrid’s consultation (


My 88th video on Jan 24, 2024 is Podcast: … Sean Maguire…  Clive de Carle-Health Truth + Gary Peter Carlson-I Check Your Soul +  Rebellion Hour 24/01/2024 – OUT OF THE BAG ( I’m on at 59:40 till 1:54:30


The Palestinians have huge amounts of bad karma from previous lives and incarnated in the Palestinian group so they will be killed and injured at a young age to discharge their karma. In previous lives most of the Palestinians had leadership positions in Arab groups and followed orders from the Reptilians and did evil things. Now they are being genocided and no one is stopping it because the higher density wants it to happen so the Palestinians get rid of their karma.


My 87th video on Jan 25, 2024 is 1:01:05 long Devin’s Consultation (


My 86th video on Jan. 20, 2024 is 58:17 long Gary Peter Carlson Soul Report: “Rael” & Chief Raelian Rabbi have Deceptive Draco Reptilian Souls (

More and more people are starting to understand my work of exposing the bad guys having Human bodies and Reptilian souls. Which makes them Reptilians in Human bodies. I can’t wait till someone comes with the handheld device that shows who is Reptilian. I’m told John Carpenter did not know this is really happening when he made the movie “They Live”, but he made the movie from the short story “8 o’clock in the Morning” by Ray Nelson who did know it has been happening for thousands of years. When a lot more people become aware of what is going on in our face, they are disguised as us, we will be able to Dereptilianize and free Humanity.


It seemed like we had a lot of inflation and they said they would raise our Social Security, but I’m getting less money than last year. What they did was raise the deduction for Medicare more than Social Security. I get around the minimum so maybe it was worse for me than others. I think they are taking our money and giving it to illegal immigrants. I heard they get twice what I get. With God’s help I’m going to get this crap stopped.


Will everyone get to understand that the people ruling Humanity aren’t Human even though they do have Human bodies. I’ve told a lot of so-called experts, but they seem to have the attitude, I don’t have time for that nonsense, and they want to work on their own stuff making money. I’m not quitting I’m not stopping I’m asking God for help. In order for Humanity to be free we must Dereptilianize.